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Messages - Animegeek86

I just got word on the date and place.  Read the first post and you will see it.
I just updated the facebook link page if you want to take a look at it.  Feel free to bring all your friends who are toku fans to the gathering.
Sorry about that.
I just updated the Gathering event.  Hope to see more people interested in this.
I'm gonna be most likely Raito from ToQger.
Date: 5-28-16
Place: G8
Time: 12 pm - 1 pm
Consist of Different characters from different Tokusatsu Series (Super Sentai, Kamen rider, Garo, Ultraman, etc.)

Legal Statement:
Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering/Event this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.

Animegeek86 as Raito Suzuki from Resha Sentai Toqger
Tyranno ranger from Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
Mega Red from Denji Sentai Megaranger
Gokai Red from Kaizou Sentai Gokaiger
Shinken Red from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Kyoryured from Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
Angelx624 as Ankh from Kamen Rider OOO. 
The Crypt as Utchy from Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger

Photo order:
Ultraman series
Garo Series
Kamen Rider Series
Super Sentai Series
Pairing, OTPs

Facebook Event Page:

I am just posting this just in case some one hasn't really posted this up.  So is there any one that is cosplaying from the series?  Who are you cosplaying as for this gathering?  Comment below.  ;)
By the way I almost forgot to say this, but I will be cosplaying as ToQ #1 Raito Suzuki.
not necessarily.  It said that we are in the upper corner.  Now I might be wrong, but ain't that upstairs?  Just asking.
looks like we got 1130 am.  So we got to make it fast.
Will there be list of all the contestants before the masquerade like last time?
So what's the status?  Are we at noon or at a different time?
What happened to the lins?  Did something happened?
So what times are we looking for the gathering?
So when exactly are we going to get the documents for the masquerade?  And do you know when the masquerade registration is starting because I am considering to enter the contest.
What about best individual dance performance?
Big Event Showcase / Re: Your First Masquerade
January 17, 2015, 07:25:40 AM
My first masquerade skit happened at Sac Anime 2010 winter. I was death the kid and I was really nervous about doing a skit.  My skit was a dance skit and although there were many dance skits, I was nervous that I might not do well.  However, that wasn't the case.  I got the crowd going, and a few fan girls screaming at the top of their lungs.  I got a judges award because of that and I did that very same skit for Fanime 2010 (I just tweeked it just a little bit of some of the song choices).  In fact it got even better and I got Best individual performance because of that.  Here are the links for my performances.

Sac-Anime Winter 2010:

Fanime 2010: