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Messages - imoto

Quote from: sunrise-oasis on February 24, 2009, 11:45:23 AM

I understand the staples are'nt a big thing but to me it can be a serious injury! I will personally deal with this alone and give you the remaining scraps to you guys so you can figure what to do with it!

If you have a staple or drapery thats out of place at your table please just let aa staff know and we will deal with it as best as we can

...I just can't beleive you guys allowed to do pre-registration at the end of the final convention day!.. thats just seem, unfiar! it may be fair to everyone but to me as another customer, that just is'nt right!.....

We have always allowed people who attend fanime the previous year to register and pay for there tables for the next year. This was announced all thought last years convention that we were opening up pre-reg for 2009 on monday of 2008. Im sorry you dident take advantage of this. And i am very sorry about the confusion with the contract, and this goes to everyone. Things in AA have been alittle rough and i, as head, really do appreciate you all bearing with me as i work thought things. We will have the contracts back up and registration back up and on the sight as soon as we possibly can.
In regards to how soon you will know if you have gotten your table, i get the information and the contracts as soon as finances can get them to me, i know were running late with things this year so im going to push harder and inform you if you have a table or not ASAP

i once again want to thank you all for all the interest in AA this year its going to be an amazing year
~ Stacy
Aritist Alley Head

hay artists
o we had an issue with sceduling
the times for artists are as fallows
Fri 11am-9:30 pm
Sat 10:30 am -9:30pm
Sun 10:30 am -9:30pm
Mon 10:30 am -4:30 pm
any questions just shoot us an e-mail
~ Stacy
hay guys there have been some miscommunications on the sceduling
will hammer tham out today ahnd have the offical hours posted
so very sorry about all the confusion
~ Stacy
AA Head
Quote from: tomatoes on May 06, 2008, 04:48:23 PM
This is a kinda silly question, but just in case..

Where is the exact location where we register for our table?

at the artist alley staff tables
we will be at the very front of the hall as you walk in
there will be a staff member at the doors
ask them if you cant find us ^^
It says on the artist alley events page on the website that the artist alley opens at noon.  That means you'll be having registration going on at the same time you have convention goers coming in, not sure how that'll work.  I agree that you should open it up to registered artist earlier so its ready to go when customers come in.  Also I thought the seating chart was a good way to go.  Then people could come in when they are ready, check in and go straight to their table.  By doing it this way as a first come first serve wont there be a huge line?  And some people may be just arriving on Friday and not getting their till late.  I'll be coming on the 22nd so I dont really mind but I was just thinking about all those people coming by plane, then waiting in line for a badge.

thats for telling me about the hours
forgot we posted them from last year
we have new times go chec the events page

the reason we dont post teh seating chart is we need to see every artists as they come in
we dont always get all of eberyones requireed materals till at con
so by checking everyone in then we are garenteed that eveyone has everything or they dont sit

speeking of witch just as a reminder
everyone needs to have a copy of there sellers permit with them at there tables as well as a compy handed in to us at teh staff tbale
Quote from: naruto_ramen_1 on May 05, 2008, 05:54:31 AM
I see that you could register at 12 on Friday, however, I was curious....could you set-up earlier than that, say 9 or 10 o'clock?  Or do you have to wait until you register? 

Thanks in advance :)   

you have to come register (( or check in)) with us first
we will not be opening the doors for this till 12

Quote from: Cole on May 04, 2008, 10:31:57 PM
When do we find out who's sitting where?
Are you going to post the seating chart so we know in advance? (Since I never got it I want to know how far away I'm going to be from my friends =( )

please e-mail us at
fanimeartistsalley2008 (at) gmail (dot) com

seating is closed and we will not be posting where your sitting
we will be telling you when you come to register
Quote from: ip136 on May 04, 2008, 09:55:20 AM
I second how to handle the sales tax that Aya Brea X mentioned.

I normally just round to the nearest quarter, or flat dollar in some cases. As long as you keep a record of your sales, it will be easy to figure it all out. As a money management thing, at the end of each day, I figure out how much the sales tax I owe was that day and completely set that money aside. :x It's very helpful for when your taxes ARE due, that you set the money aside and didn't accidentally spend it on you.. well.. you know . . pocky... or in my case Tomato Pretz... *cough*

Opening Time on Friday?
So.. the Artist Alley will really be opening at 1pm on Friday? I mean.. the website says 12pm on Friday, but if registration for your table opens then.. there will be a huge conflict.
Or are people who got a table OK, go in earlier to set-up and that is just for people on the waitlist?
I don't know about anyone else, but it would be impossible for me to set-up in less than a minute. :x

Also.. someone should probably inform the Web Admin, that they lost their stylesheet on the Fanime AA page with the last announcement...

eeps it did mess with the style
so noted and sent to web for help >.<

and where dose it say we open to teh public at 12?
i can amend thins still but send me a link at [email protected]
thanks a bunch
Hello Fanime Artists!

Thank you for your interest in making the artist alley this year the best it's ever been!  We filled up pretty quickly and are now full with a waitlist!

This year we are doing things a bit differently to give other people a chance to have a table.  For those of you that have already registered we will be opening up registration from 12 to 6 on Friday the 23rd of May.  This will be the registration for your table for the entire convention.

Please Note!!!!!: If you cannot make this registration date/timeplease email the Artist Alley Staff ([email protected]) and tell them you will not be able to make the registration hours on Friday.  This is crucial because there are no refunds for tables that are paid for and given away to those that are waitlisted

For those of you that are on the waiting list, we will be opening registration on  Friday after 6pm.
If you  have paid for a table and do not get one refund checks will be issued once the convention has closed.
Quote from: G-Force on May 03, 2008, 05:12:01 AM
Hello there fanime artists I have a big important question that I hope you can help me out with. Right now I'm helping two of my friends set up their table for fanime, its their first time so I'm making sure that they have all their bases covered. Now I ask all you experienced artist ally veterans for help.

Do you/how do you factor in tax while selling your work?

According to the stipulations of a California seller's permit an artist has to character 8.5% in tax for every transaction however throughout all the years I've been buying artwork I've never seen people actually follow this rule.

the way we used to factor tax in was to price everything in groups
so if you want your prints to be 10$ then you make a group of prints and figure out the tax on one and round up to cover the tax making a print like 12$
that way if you wanna have a deal like 2 for 20$ then you have alittle cushion

just as a not to all arists
not reporting your taxes form this con is concidered tax evasion and is a fedral crime
please dont let this happen to you ^__^

and please if anybody needs us were at
fanimearitstsalley (at) gmail (dot) com
please please contact us thats what were hear for ^^
thanks from your friendly aa head
~ Stacy
Quote from: sunrise-oasis on May 01, 2008, 07:27:21 PM
Quote from: Aya Brea X on May 01, 2008, 06:37:39 PM
Not sure if this will help, but I registered in December when the mail in reg was announced and ALL the bottom half (aka "front") tables were already taken, presumably by people who registered at last year's convention.  So even if your e-mail didn't bounce you probably still wouldn't have gotten a front table.  *pat pat*

Im going to make sure i do get a front hopefully i can register at the front! but after hearing "CHOOSE" your own table location, that really offended me!!!!! as opposed to  Registration date in order!. but sitting in the back area is a horrible horrible area to be located because I KNOW alot of people is willing to look inside, walk a few spaces and then walk back out.

Also i really really don't like sitting near the autograph session!. this brings a huge huge downside. MAYBE it will help once people come out from the auto session and look around in the artist alley which have the back session the priority instead of the front!, but those who sit in the front will be considered lucky since traffic is nearly huge (meaning they get more customers) I should be happy for them but sitting in the back is a huge huge insult. Never the type of person who likes to sit alllllll the way to the end!!!!!!!!!.....

Aside from this im soooooo going to buy some food and maybe either s377 them or share them! with or without thier permission!

insted of complanin maby u should feel happy that your not on the wait list we have and just be happy to have a table

Hay all this is your friendley AA Head hear with an anouncment

If you have a table in AA 2008 and have not picked your table you need to e-mail me ASAP
we have half dozen names whos e-mails have bounced back
so if you know you have a table or even think you may have a table and want to pick your seat this year please e-mail me at
FanimeArtistAlley2008 (at) gmail (dot) com
table seating will close on Friday 5/2 at 5:00 pm

more updates to come
thanks for reading
see you all at the con
~ Stacy
AA Head
Hay all this is your friendley AA Head hear with an anouncment

We have sent out a confirmation e-mail to every one we have registerd at this point
(( if you sent things in less that 3 weeks ago we probly dont have you on our list yet so dont panic))
but if you have sent your contract in and havent gotten anything from us please
1. check your junk mail folder - we did send a mass e-mail it may have ended up there
2. if its not there please e-mail us at fanimeartistalley2008[at] with your full name  and we will see if you are on our list

we keep having issues with not having the correct e-mail adresses or having old e-mails
so please keep us up to date
if we dont have your e-mail you will not get the seating chart and we will assigne you a table

on another note
if you registered at con 2007 for your table this year and you have not recived the seating chart yet, it means we dont have the correct e-mail adress for you eather
please e-mail us at fanimeartistalley2008[at] so we can update it and get you seated
if we do not have a correct e-mail you will not get the seating chart and we will assigne you a table

thanks for reading
see you all at the con
~ Stacy
AA Head
i am hoping to get everyone who paid at con seated by the end of next week
the end of the week after that at the latest ((4/4))

as for people who have registered after con
we are going to get as maney peole seated as we can befor the con
i dont have a defanant cutoff date yet but there will be an announcament made soon about it

i hope this help you guys some
i am really sorry this year got alittle out of my hands
first time as the head ^^;;

thanks a bunch
~ Stacy
AA Head
Hay agian
this is your friendy AA Head saying we just started to send the seating chart around
people who paid at con last year will get it first then we will go buy when the office recived your contracts
please bear with us/me theres alot going on and we will continue to do our best
Quote from: sunrise-oasis on March 05, 2008, 10:25:07 AM
Quote from: Oniko on February 27, 2008, 07:51:58 AM
Quote from: ewu on February 25, 2008, 07:40:41 PM
e-mail artistalleyATfanimeDOTcom....we'll check for you
I'll try again, but I did that in Jan and all they could tell me was things were slow and they couldnt tell me.  But I guess I'll give it another shot.

I got a response that they are still doing it and already finished assigning 10 people for their tables!!!
whats going on ?

this is wrong information
we will start seating this coming week
thank you
~Stacy AA Head
Hay Artists
This is Stacy the AA Head this year
i just wanted to give you guys an offical update/apology

as far as confirming they your all registered
as most of you know all your contracts go to HR and Finances first
and this year afiew things had to be changed around and were working out the kinks
we are very sorry but we are not getting your information in a timley fashion because of backups in the office and me and my staff are working as hard as we can to get things to you

as far as the seating chart
in out hall we have other events that have to be cordinated
all i am waiting on is the ok from the other events and afiew other minor kinks
after that the seating chart will be sent around in the order in witch we have receved all your info

once agian
i am very sorry that we have had a bumpy ride (agian) this year
but be assured that we are doing everything in our power to make things move smoothley
thanks for reading
AA Head