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Messages - Kimiko

Quote from: GaleWolf on April 14, 2009, 02:14:36 AM

Yes, it's still one competition for both groups and individuals. We would need at least 8-10 groups on a regular basis to consider a separate competition.

Ah I see, that makes perfect sense then. Thank you.
Registration / Kids badges
April 14, 2009, 10:16:04 PM
Last year I picked up my pre-reg badge on Thursday and they said I had to get my kids badges the next day. Is there ANY way to change this so that I don't have to go through registration just to pick up my kids' free badges?? Well it's not like I had to wait in line or anything, but it was still kind of a pain when I could have easily just got the same thing on Thursday. Although I understand that maybe the printer isn't up yet on Thursday, so maybe that's why?? Not sure, but it sure would make things easier, or maybe even a temp paper badge that can be used so that they can also get into things on Thursday that may be going on. Since I sell stuff at the swap meet on Thursday, I just want to make sure they will be covered as they will obviously be with me that day.

Is the petticoat still available? If so I'd like to purchase it. Also what size is it? Oh and I have CC on paypal, zip 94805.

I'm also wondering about the age restrictions ^^

Aww so this year, groups and individuals are still lumped together?? I hope eventually you guys will be able to separate the two. I know it's a lot of work though, so no worries ^^ See you next month!
Alrighty, my daughter Keiko will be there as a CCS Sakura! I won't be able to revive my Sumomo for this year though.
One of the guys was a jerk, and he was pulling someone's trolley, not paying attention and obviously didn't stack the items right, because as he walks by me and my friend, the sewing machine on top topples over.. LUCKILY, my friend and I noticed and she was able to catch it in time!!! And of course, the guy doesn't say anything, just grabs it from us. I don't know where the people who's trolley it was though, so they would know about it, but we never did see them. At least their Singer sewing machine was saved!!!
Ugh, I missed it and every other panel I wanted to attend. Oh well, I'll aim for next year as well!
Welcome to FANIME! lol

Yes, the elevators sucked, but it's like that every year. At one point, we walked down from the 11th floor, but other than that, it wasn't horrendous, but some people were still rude and tried to make the elevator LOOK fuller than it was. Sad, really!
omg thank you! The last few years it was tooo hot for my taste, so 70s is perfect. TOO hot weather makes me feel lazy and not want to do anything, so this will be a nice change of pace :D
I confirmed my 6:30pm sat slot via email, so don't forget to add me to the list ^_^
Well I don't necessarily have a "signature" costume, but one that I am most known for is Sumomo from Chobits.
Just an update, I'm almost done with my daughter's Saturn costume (i need it done by this weekend), so you can count her in for sure as Saturn ^^ If I have the time, I'll work on Chibimoon for my other daughter, it's halfway finished as it is.
Also expect a lot of cosplayers! (people dressed up as their favorite anime/manga/etc characters). If you are into contests, there is the karaoke contest, amv contest and masquerade [where cosplayers perform skits or just do walk-ons].  The dealers room is always a huge attraction. If you want to buy a bunch of stuff, that is where you will do it, so be sure to bring money ^^.

There are a lot of things to do, so be sure to look through the schedule when you pick up your badge. If you want to know if there will be anything specific just ask!

My first time at a con was one of the best times I ever had. I dove right in and was on staff my very first con and I met a lot of people that way that are good friends of mine now. (run on sentence!), so you can always volunteer if you wish to meet new people. But just wandering around the con asking cosplayers for pictures, viewing video rooms, etc is a great way to meet people :)

Just keep an open mind and enjoy yourself! Most people are generally nice, but there are always those select individuals who aren't. It's changed over the years, but I still have a great time and I'm one of the "older" ones with kids ^^ I'm bringing mine for the first time this year and I'm looking forward to it!
I buy any anime that I really really like, so I always view it online first, then I purchase wherever they sell anime ^^. Or I will buy things online. As for stores, there's Suncoast, Best Buy, Japantown, etc
Wow, someone coming from Redding? That's cool. I'm not from there, but I have family up there and go there every year lol.
I think that's a great idea ^^ I'm "old" too and my hubby can't stand the stuff either lol. I'm currently in the east bay, but plan on moving to the Peninsula at the end of this year or very early next year.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: 21+ to check - in?
May 11, 2008, 05:45:52 PM
Yes if your roomie is 21+ then you should be fine. You MAY have to switch it over in her name though. Did they ask your age or birthdate when you booke d the room? I don't remember if they ever ask for those details. But if you are unsure, it's best to call the hotel directly and let them know your situation and see if the names need to be switched of if it will be okay if she is with you when you check in together.
I started at the Marriott a couple years, then the Hilton a couple years and then last year we stayed at the Crowne Plaza. Between the 3, the Marriott is the one we like the most, so we are going back to there this year ^^ And the room service food is yummy too ;) I also think in terms of convenience, the Marriott was ideal as well.
Hi there,

Thanks! I sent you an email ^^