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Messages - Jun-Watarase

Just to add an opinion.

As cute as the design is, for Meer's dress, it actually isn't a lolita silhouette.

And for the Wa-lolita examples above, another reason for them not being lolita, would be that they do not portray what lolita is. A cute and conservative style (with the exception of ero-loli, which is more of a fetish than a fashion) with appropriate fabrics, frills/lace, and etc. The examples are mature and lack the general characteristics of what makes lolita. At best, it would be simply a kimono-inspired variation of a dress.

A common example of what lolita is this.
Greetings Maids!

My apologies for the sudden change in schedule, but the March 14th meeting in San Jose will be rescheduled to begin at 1pm, meeting in the same location. For those who have attended the past meetings, you do not need to attend. Please bring a pen and a flat surface to write on. I advise to wear comfortable clothing that you feel compliments your appearance.

- Jun
Quote from: neko_katan on March 10, 2009, 10:43:07 AM
I just saw this so it's too late anyways, but why girls only?

Fanimaid Cafe is girls only because we advertise as an authentic traditional Akihabara-style maid cafe, rather than a crossdressing maid cafe. Organizing a crossdressing cafe, along with the traditional maid cafe, would be very impractical. Maid cafes serve a small audience, but crossdressing cafes would serve an even smaller one.

There are many reasons as to why it's impractical, which includes the extra time and effort needed to put into preparation, finding enough volunteers, have a different training program for them, ordering maid uniforms specifically for men... then there comes the fact that there'd be an unstable amount of customers and activity, and other variables may suffer from that. Though, the big one is time. Time put into training and organizing our maids takes up a lot. Frankly, traditional maid cafes and crossdressing cafes are not actually the same-- their differences do not end at simply their sexes.

But if you did not mean crossdressing cafes, but in fact butlers, this is because we are not a butler cafe, and butlers are not a part of maid cafes. Hope that answers your question!

- Jun
Quote from: minakoluvsyou on March 08, 2009, 10:57:00 AM
My friend and I really wanted to do this but we only just found out about the maid cafe kinda =(

That's okay! As long as you fit the basic requirements, and make it to the meeting on March 14th, in San Jose, you are still welcome to try out.
Hello maids!

Just a reminder, the last introductory meeting held in San Francisco is tomorrow! It will be held in the same location, and we will meet each other in front of the fountain of Yerba Buena Gardens, in the Esplande. The following meeting, for those near San Jose, will be at the convention center as usual, on the 14th. Good luck, everyone!

- Jun
Things in the Universe / Re: Lonely Thread
March 06, 2009, 01:50:39 PM
Does that mean you think clearly when you're drunk? lol
Things in the Universe / Re: Lonely Thread
March 05, 2009, 01:09:52 AM
Don't I get paid or anything? :(
I apologize, but we cannot schedule a 3rd San Jose meeting because we need to have our maids confirmed before the end of March. It takes time to evaluate and choose our maids, schedule their hours, and notify them in time to order their uniforms. Hope to see you at the cafe!

- Jun
Things in the Universe / Re: Lonely Thread
March 03, 2009, 12:43:18 AM
Oh ho, I see. No "Thank you Jun", huh.

Things in the Universe / Re: Lonely Thread
March 02, 2009, 07:53:45 PM
Well, yes. I agree that people like this do need to yelled at, rather than babied and given "Oh... no, you're not horrible.". But no one in this thread is doing that, anyway. No one is telling him not listen to others, keep being a loser, or that what he's doing now is right. The point is to make him question what he may be doing wrong, that maybe that something he's doing is causing why he feels that way, and advice as to how to change how things are.

Even though what Pyron says may be right, though, most people-- especially people like SukebeStudios, are going to throw anything that scolds him as an attack and lump it in with bullying and destructive criticism. Like I said in my previous post, people like this need to grow to become strong enough to know the difference between bullying, and constructive criticism. People that don't, end up not listening, and never notice the difference until someone points it out to them in a way they're willing to listen.

Really, I wanted to provide the other side of things. Truthfully, I think that he already does know that he's a loser, in his position. No one would really want to be friends with someone who expresses themselves this way, other than out of pity-- but there is no harm in giving neutral advice he can use while he's picking himself up and socializing for the right reasons, and from where, building GENUINE friendships. If anything, this sort of thing cannot be taught through pity and babying-- it's about enduring, and sucking it up and learning from your environment.

So if OP reads last Pyron's post and gets offended and walks off... you haven't learned a thing, because that is nowhere near what bullying is. It really isn't. It's frustration with stupid people, but he's not leaving you with nothing. If anything, he's challenging you to become a better person.
Things in the Universe / Re: Lonely Thread
March 02, 2009, 04:51:43 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on March 02, 2009, 04:03:23 PM
You could try to not come off as desperate for friends because it can turn some people away since it is a bit borderline creepy imo. If its an IM dont try to ask people to be roomates so  to split hotel costs for fanime (like you asked me) It comes off as creepy and not alot of people want to room with strangers.

Things in the Universe / Re: Lonely Thread
March 02, 2009, 02:16:08 PM
Thing is, though, Pyron isn't exactly wrong in everything he had said, even if he may have been a jerk in saying it. I don't mean to be biased, because he's my partner, but people in similar situations don't realize that... advice really isn't given in a way that is liked. I know it isn't great to listen to negative comments thrown at you, especially if it's baseless bullying-- but sometimes it isn't. Somethings it may be someone else pointing out that what you may be doing, may actually be wrong, and push you to question it.

Yes, don't listen to every negative thing thrown at you, because in most cases, it's only there to drag you down. But most people like this need to learn how to be strong enough to at least acknowledge the difference between destructive criticism, and constructive (even in really harsh forms of it) and see past the attitude and understand what it really means. Though, I don't blame you for wanting to tune out Pyron in his posts on this thread. Not many people feel willing to see past what he does as a jerk to try to understand what his point may be, and not many should really feel obliged to. But people on this public forum aren't obliged to take this thread very seriously, and may just ridicule you, because in truth, the fact that you bothered to make a thread on this on the internet... is laughable.

At the very least, for your sake, it didn't turn into something where everyone made fun of you, posted just "so ronery ;_;", like it would anywhere else. Though, thing is... that's another thing about tact. This thread is just untactful, and most people don't like negative threads, or threads that call out to others to expose vulnerability in public. Again, everything you do is a direct expression of who you are-- making this thread, and even saying hello.

Normally, I'd just make fun of you. But you know, out of the two things that I know can really make a person break down is loneliness (in varying situations), and extreme boredom. You're not going to go anywhere by just sitting there and complaining about it, though. Plus, I must remind you, there are other forms of socializing and communication other than the internet... You're really lucky that despite the fact that you've put one of THE worst possible things you can put yourself up to on the internet, you're barely having any rotten tomatoes thrown at you. You're putting yourself up for criticism that if there were enough people here, they'd make you want to off yourself.

The best thing you can really do for yourself is work with the circumstances, try to progress with what you have... go out and meet other people, become close and appreciate the friends that you already have, and make your own life the best it can be.

You know, I bet not everyone wants to admit it, but almost every single person on this thread has experienced some large form of loneliness at some point, and some may still feel that way to an extent. But I know for a fact that a good load of them do something about it. They go out, meet others, and bond with people they feel they can trust. It's people you become close to, and even people who you aren't so close to that understand that makes you feel less lonely. Sitting there and whining about it won't make you feel any better, and it'll push people away-- you have to get up, and change things for yourself. It may be harder for some than others, but what you have to do isn't much different than what anyone else had to do. Make friends, and eventually find the people who help you feel less lonely, and don't take them for granted.

Where the heck do you live? If you're anywhere near the major cities, it isn't hard to socialize at all. Things are happening all the time-- you just have to look for them.

P.S. Jerry's post here is possibly THE post that made the most sense... he has ever had on the internet, and he's right. You should really appreciate that. lmao
Things in the Universe / Re: Lonely Thread
March 02, 2009, 02:38:56 AM
Quote from: SukebeStudios on March 02, 2009, 02:22:53 AM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on March 02, 2009, 02:07:04 AM

I won't go too far into this but... with the way you've expressed yourself, so far, can you really expect otherwise? Everyone feels lonely from time to time, some moreso than others, and some very much so. Loneliness to a great extent can be a horrible feeling, but you should be able to feel opportunities to change that and find other people to enjoy the company of. Even those who do have a lot of friends, people to be with, and are very social may still feel lonely-- it requires time and effort to find people you're really compatible with that help rid of loneliness.

Though, people do respond positively toward personalities they like... If people do not respond positively, have you ever questioned yourself as to why? Because even with the unkind void of positivity in this thread, if anything, your show of personality may possibly be pushing even more people away-- not even now, but possibly in the past as well.

Makes sense, and I understand what you're saying. But...I guess what I'm curious about is why people respond negatively before they even know anything about the person? Like if you say "Hello" and they just laugh at you or avoid you because you said hello. I wish I could say what I'm actually feeling or trying to say, but then someone will just say I'm "whining," so expressing oneself honestly is not an option.

I don't mean to discourage you, but a lot of people that I've met that have experienced similar things tend to be simply socially awkward, and it's difficult for them to change it. The only thing you can really do is try, learn from your environment and the actions of other people, how to read people's expressions and feelings, and pick up social tact and awareness. If you keep trying, at the very least, you can use your experiences to gain something from them-- learning about what you may be doing right or wrong, and the type of person you want to be.

Even whilst still having difficultly, everyone is able to have a chance at finding others that accept them and like them for who they are, (in most cases) no matter how bad or flawed they may be. With being tactful, you should be aware that... everything you say and do, is an expression of yourself. It doesn't matter if it's a direct one, or not "in-depth" enough for people to really "know" you before they judge you-- because the thing is, it isn't illogical to judge others by what they see and hear, even if it may not be entirely truthful. And even simple "hello"s based on the circumstances, may not even be tactful... like wrong timing, or an awkward attitude.

The truth is, though, to be completely socially accepted, it is not acceptable to most to be completely yourself. You should still "be yourself", but at the same time, there are ways a person is pushed to act, like not expressing every bit of their opinions of others, minding their manners, being tactful in general-- it may be partially dishonest, but honesty isn't always what is liked. Tact is knowing what and what not to say, what to express and what to keep to yourself, how to be a good person, and knowing when to be honest, and when not to be. Even the most outspoken people may need to reserve themselves once in a while. You don't have to become someone other than yourself to get people to like you. You just need to improve who you are. These are things people learn by personal experiences by interacting with others and their environment.

And that's all you can do, really-- work with the circumstances you are given.
Quote from: Mizuki on March 02, 2009, 12:35:26 AM
Yes, and everyone will be "getting down" in 2 years from now.

Is that even physically possible...
Things in the Universe / Re: Lonely Thread
March 02, 2009, 02:07:04 AM
Quote from: SukebeStudios on March 02, 2009, 01:57:33 AM
I wish I could just have a thread that opens dialogue. Nope. Just opens up for insults.

I won't go too far into this but... with the way you've expressed yourself, so far, can you really expect otherwise? Everyone feels lonely from time to time, some moreso than others, and some very much so. Loneliness to a great extent can be a horrible feeling, but you should be able to feel opportunities to change that and find other people to enjoy the company of. Even those who do have a lot of friends, people to be with, and are very social may still feel lonely-- it requires time and effort to find people you're really compatible with that help rid of loneliness.

Though, people do respond positively toward personalities they like... If people do not respond positively, have you ever questioned yourself as to why? Because even with the unkind void of positivity in this thread, if anything, your show of personality may possibly be pushing even more people away-- not even now, but possibly in the past as well.

I like the fact that at cons, in the dealer's rooms, you are able to have things there physically and are able to examine them in person. Plus, no shipping fees, and possible bargaining.

But for the most people, if not all the people I know-- the primary reason to go to cons is to enjoy spending time with other people. If you don't know who you're going with, there's no harm in going to events and see what the con itself has to offer, and possibly meet people through that. Perhaps events like... I don't know, the maid cafe.  ;)
Not that it matters, but Popotan is not a Visual Novel. Wikipedia's definition is incorrect, especially when they try to translate it as being called "Dating Sims" in the US.
4chan? Internet? Unfunny and irritating memes beaten like dead ponies? ?!?!

Anyway, to the OP, if you feel you have a reason to go to Fanime, then do so. It's a social event, so if your main concern is whether or not you'll be lonely-- go socialize. Chances are, you'll find someone to hang out with. The rest is whether or not you're comfortable with it time-wise, and financially.

I don't know why you're so distraught about it. If you want to go, go. If you don't? Don't. Whatever the reason, go because you want to and have fun. It doesn't sound like anyone is forcing you to make a decision.
So, what is this Caramel Dancing. Is that some fetish or something? Crazy nerds...
Hello maids!

For those attending the meeting in San Francisco on the 28th, it is predicted that there will be rain all weekend from the recent weather forecast. I have also witnessed a clash in attendance due to WonderCon being on the same weekend. As of now, the meeting is canceled.

For those who unable to attend the meetings on the 7th and 14th, and must absolutely attend this weekend, I will personally discuss with you other possible options. If there is a sufficient amount of people who strongly feel that they must attend this weekend, I will possibly consider a temporary change in location, instead. I apologize for the inconvenience on such short notice.

- Jun

P.S. I am trying to book a meeting room in the Main Library of San Francisco for the meeting on the 7th, so there is a high possibility that there may be a change in location. All San Jose meetings will remain the same.