Kingdom Hearts Cosplay Gathering <3~

Started by Tabbychan, July 06, 2006, 04:01:54 PM

0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.

Whose your favorite?

Riku >3
23 (74.2%)
Sora C:
8 (25.8%)

Total Members Voted: 29

Voting closed: July 06, 2006, 04:05:33 PM


(Think what you want... Reality isn't so kind.
Everything doesn't work out the way you want it to. That's why...)
As long as you don't get your hopes up,
you can take anything...
You feel less pain."

-Squall Leonhart, Final Fantasy VIII



My friend wants to knw if characters can be doubled, tripled etc...


I was just wondering, would you guys mind if fangirls came by unexpectedly and got, y'know, fangirly? Surprisingly unexpected glomps, millions of pictures, millions of hugs, and the usual fangirling?

^^() *is one of them* XDD


well, since you asked, I say OKAY! ^-^ that would be awesome.



Of course! 8D We live for fangirls! Hell, I'll even do some stage-kissing if they ask. :BB Andiftheotherpersonisokaywithit, ofcourse.


Juststoppingbytobumpthis. xD;


......Stupid question. Is this for 2007 or 2006? If it's for 2007 I will be dressed as Deep Dive Riku (orgy coat, blindfold...). If I'm bumping something from '06 then...sorry. I was just looking for KH gatherings to join. XD And I honestly can never remember what freaking month Fanime is in so the date stamps mean nothing to me.


2007. lol

I won't be making a custom Maleficant costume...I have a hospital bill to pay for...I have a costume business friend who will help me order/put something together. >:( At least she has awesome stuffs.


Hey do you mind if i am your Xemnas in the organization coat i got it all together and i dont want to wander alone lol

Working Registration All Morning.  Raving At Night.


I just wanted to let the Kingdom Hearts peeps know that I posted a time for the gathering. The info came off of the thread.

Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


if my hair is black, i'll be zexion
if my hair is red, i'll be axel

This morning, shortly after eleven o'clock, comedy struck this little house in Dibley. Sudden. Violent. Comedy.


If I can finish the costume in time, i can be Goofy w/ really cool shield. If that doesnt work.. ummm... I think i might be Jack Skellington
if i am sad, make me happy, if im happy, make me sad


Well... That is... If I get started on it =_=...
if i am sad, make me happy, if im happy, make me sad


Quote from: "senritsu"if my hair is black, i'll be zexion
if my hair is red, i'll be axel
you live in cv lol i live in hayward the ghetto part

Working Registration All Morning.  Raving At Night.


Alright, I was organizing the KH shoot via, so I'm letting yall know:  it'll be on Saturday at 4 PM, runing till 5 at the Fountains
Demyx (Kingdom Hearts)
Mabel (Gravity Falls)


woo! 1 whole hour of kh goodness XD  I think the time should be stuck in the first post, or else people wont be able to find it easily

man, cant wait til fm and re:com!!!


If I can come up with money soon to buy materials, ima be Kiari, since my hair is her color


Gads... I'm so antsy about this upcoming Fanime. Time inches by too slow when you're looking forward to convention season. Can't wait.

Going to the photoshoot as Final Form Sora by the way. ^_^. Huzzah for video-game addictions!
[DeviantArt] []
= Cosplay: Final Form Sora, KH2 Kairi, Pimp!Namine, FFXII Archadian Judge Zargabaath =
= Conventions: Fanime 07, ComicCon07, PMX07 =


Quote from: "akewataru"Gads... I'm so antsy about this upcoming Fanime. Time inches by too slow when you're looking forward to convention season. Can't wait.

Going to the photoshoot as Final Form Sora by the way. ^_^. Huzzah for video-game addictions!

Haha, I know the feeling. I've been going to fanime for the past 4 years, and everytime it approaches, I ALWAYS get dreams. It's so weird XD  I think photoshoots are the best part, since you can completely fangirl about what you like :P  It's gonna suck waiting to get the badges, hehe. Looks like we have a pretty big group this year