"Heroes" Chat...

Started by Jerry, October 23, 2007, 08:47:01 AM

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it still makes me wonder...

i dont understand how maya & alejandro's powers would be helpful....

Scary part is Parkman's (mind reader) powers are TOTALLY evolving too...

will he turn the the dark side?  :o
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

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Eurobeat King

It would be cool to see Adam and Sylar either facing-off in a showdown of 2-evils or they join forces.  But know that Hiro knows who killed his father, the Hiro vs. Adam/Kensei fight Part 2 will be eventually coming.  Although Hiro's power seems greater than Adam's..

The storyline for the twins seems to be going nowhere unless if/when they finally get to New York and find Mohinder.  From the preview for next week (or the finale), when Sylar visits Mohinder, does that mean he dispatched the twins?   

I'm waiting for the Claire vs. Elle cat-fight. ;) 

"Freedom is the right of all sentient cosplayers."


Quote from: Jerry on November 22, 2007, 11:50:27 PM

Scary part is Parkman's (mind reader) powers are TOTALLY evolving too...

will he turn the the dark side?  :o

Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Quote from: Eurobeat King on November 23, 2007, 09:34:56 AM
It would be cool to see Adam and Sylar either facing-off in a showdown of 2-evils or they join forces.  But know that Hiro knows who killed his father, the Hiro vs. Adam/Kensei fight Part 2 will be eventually coming.  Although Hiro's power seems greater than Adam's..

The storyline for the twins seems to be going nowhere unless if/when they finally get to New York and find Mohinder.  From the preview for next week (or the finale), when Sylar visits Mohinder, does that mean he dispatched the twins?   

I'm waiting for the Claire vs. Elle cat-fight. ;) 

One of the picture that Isaac painted showed Hiro and Adam fighting sword to sword, but that was in the past...so unless it happened and I forgot, it might happen :D

"Even a demon can learn to love."

Sunara Ishi

Quote from: Jerry on November 22, 2007, 11:50:27 PM
it still makes me wonder...

i dont understand how maya & alejandro's powers would be helpful....
They'd probably be a key to fighting the virus somehow... >.>;

Along with what G.I.R. was saying... I've long predicted that Adam is probably Nathan's and Peter's father... aka Claire's grandfather.

I don't think the show is that predictable but only that we have very keen brains. It may not be the best season, but I don't think people are giving it enough of a chance. Come on, its hard for any second season/sequels to live up to its previous sibling. I think more of the problem is that they're trying to make it for us smarter people while dumbing it down for the rest of the stupid populace.

On a side note: COOKIE!!! Its far worth joining the darkside for. /gg
"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula

Eurobeat King

If you don't remember what the 8 newest paintings made by Isaac, here they are (in no particular order):

1. Kaitou Nakamura's Death
2. Nikki/Jessica breaking down the door to kill Bob
3. Peter in the future looking through a glass window at the bodies from the virus
4. Peter & Caitlain outside a shop in Montreal
5. Hiro & Adam/Kensei clashing swords (in the past)
6. Claire dead on a staircase(from her fake stunt)
7. Mohinder firing a gun
8. HRG-guy on the ground dead, with Claire & West holding each other in the background

I wonder if there'll be anymore paintings that have yet to be revealed..

"Freedom is the right of all sentient cosplayers."


Quote from: Eurobeat King on November 23, 2007, 11:12:53 PM
If you don't remember what the 8 newest paintings made by Isaac, here they are (in no particular order):

I wonder if there'll be anymore paintings that have yet to be revealed..

Supposedly, these there the "last" of his paintings before Sylar killed him....

so i would assume they'd throw another character into to mix...

minus the fact that Peter AND Sylar know how to 'copy' this power...

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D

Sunara Ishi

Quote from: Jerry on November 24, 2007, 12:26:37 AM
Quote from: Eurobeat King on November 23, 2007, 11:12:53 PM
If you don't remember what the 8 newest paintings made by Isaac, here they are (in no particular order):

I wonder if there'll be anymore paintings that have yet to be revealed..

Supposedly, these there the "last" of his paintings before Sylar killed him....

so i would assume they'd throw another character into to mix...

minus the fact that Peter AND Sylar know how to 'copy' this power...
True but we also can't forget about the comics that Issac made.

I remember the "technical boy" showing a comic to his cousin (the copy-cat)... It looked a lot like the name of the comic that Hiro picked up in the future in season 1. So maybe there's a bunch of those flying around? It doesn't seem like many know that he created those.

Sorry. I forgot their names.
"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula

Eurobeat King

Yesterday's episode (11/26) was really good, and it sucks that next week is the "finale" until who knows when the show returns.  (I wonder if the 2nd half of the season will be postponed due to the writers' strike..)  It ended on a good note too, and makes you guessing next week what "2 Heroes will fall"   :o

I'm cheering for Sylar because I do hope he kills Maya, after he took care of Alejandro (who FINALLY spoke a line in English)

I was really annoyed at Micah's side-story, because you could see it coming with his cousin stealing his bag, and then copy-cat girl turns into a ninja/Catwoman to go get it back.  But it then gets pretty rediculous when she gets captured by the gangsters, which sets up the invetible rescue by Micah, and we'll probably see copy-cat girl use those wrestling/kung-fu moves on the thugs next week.  :P This part of the story really doesn't have anything to do with the main story-arc, and ruined an otherwise good episode.

Still, looking forward to the "finale" next week..
"Freedom is the right of all sentient cosplayers."



Hiro angry... this is going to be good.

im suprised this season is stopping at episode 11 ?

its an odd place to stop... but lets hope the writers strike doesnt leave us hanging...  :-X
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

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HOLY. SHIT. I have to say, the season finale rocked hard.
Co-Captain/"The one who talks too much" of MANime!

Eurobeat King

What a good finale to end the year for "Heroes"  :)  I look forward to when it resumes in January, but..


I dunno if we've seen the last of Adam, since even though he can't die, he can take his time to get out of that coffin.  (Heck, just look at Uma Thurman's Bride in Kill Bill Vol.2)  :D  But with the threat of Adam & the virus eliminated, I guess the show can turn back to the REAL villain, Sylar.  haha the ending of the episode was straight out of "X-3"

Again, I still wasn't happy with the side-story with Micah and copy-cat girl, and it's a shame Nikki gave up her life for them.  (but is she TRULY dead??)  I would've been happy if Nikki had torn-apart that gang-banger kidnapper rather just knock him out.  Those two characters I'm not looking forward to come the new episodes.

It's also a shame that Nathan got killed off.  Granted, flying isn't too special a power compared to the others, but his character will be missed.  I hope that Claire decides to go after the Company when she finds out her REAL dad was murdered.  Now I know Nathan's dead, but my friends keep asking me:  "why didn't Peter go after the killer?" or "why didn't Peter use his own blood to heal Nathan considering he could heal like Claire did?"   I just replied: "let him die already.." haha 

Now the wait begins for January, and looking forward to the new episodes of "Heroes", along with new episodes of "House" and anticipating the new season of "24" and the new series "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles"   TV will be pretty boring until then..
"Freedom is the right of all sentient cosplayers."


Quote from: Eurobeat King on December 06, 2007, 10:45:27 PM
Now the wait begins for January, and looking forward to the new episodes of "Heroes", along with new episodes of "House" and anticipating the new season of "24" and the new series "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles"   TV will be pretty boring until then..
Ah... hate to break it to you, but the next series of "24" has been put off till 2009 (due to the writers strike).


season 2 ending = holy shit.

cant wait for season 3.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


I got little annoyed that suresh actually gave him the correct blood. Should have just given him the fake one, and prevent anything new of this show :p
I just dont like when I see that characters make stupid mistakes, especially when he knew that Sylar was gonna kill them if he has his powers back.

It seems like people's powers can evolve, seeing how the gut can now tell people something and they have to do it.
P.s. I started to watch Code Geass today, and I saw how they are similar powers. I am guessing his powers will continue to evolve so he can change memories of the person, and maybe even go telepathic :o

Since cheerleader is able to re-generate at amazing speed, I wonder if her genes will evolve further so that her body is able to generate animal featurs on her body, maybe like give her tail ~nya~

Eurobeat King

Ah... hate to break it to you, but the next series of "24" has been put off till 2009 (due to the writers strike).

Awww.. ain't that a beyotch..   >:( 

I wish Maya remained dead, since I don't think her black-oily-eye power wasn't anything useful.  She was far too trusting which was annoying.. and BAM! got shot but noooo, she just had to be revived by Suresh.  But at least she now has purpose to go after Sylar for killing her bro. 

I was hoping that Elle was going to die, because when she confronted Sylar, he fired a couple of shots at her and it looked like she got hit, but she was still alive.  I'm guessing she'll still be alive until we get to see the Claire vs. Elle fight if it does happen.
"Freedom is the right of all sentient cosplayers."


Quote from: Sunara Ishi on November 23, 2007, 03:21:58 PMI've long predicted that Adam is probably Nathan's and Peter's father... aka Claire's grandfather.
Maybe Claire's great-grandfather -- probably older.  Nathan and Peter's father is way too recent, and we have way too many details about him: Nathan and Peter know their father very well, and I believe he might also be in the photo as a separate person.  Petrelli Sr. was only very recently killed when the first season started, and that's why Linderman wants to blackmail Nathan.

Quote from: Sunara Ishi on November 23, 2007, 03:21:58 PMI don't think the show is that predictable but only that we have very keen brains.
I didn't see the LA Times or Entertainment Weekly articles, but it's not just us.  I don't think it's our "very keen brains" at all.  It's just that the writers are stuck.  They've already written pieces of the story in the future, and they've already written pieces of the story in the past, and now they're stuck with having to conform to details at both ends while trying to make it interesting.


Time to start rebuilding the HYPE.

so yah, Heroes Season two will be release on 8/26/2008

about 1 month before we gear up for the beginning of the new battle:

Heroes Vs. villians

the Spoilers-

couple of new things going on...

SYLAR IS BACK!!! - now fully restored power he's hell bent on taking more peoples powers...

Hiro gets a rival!!! - known as the speedster, SHE and Hiro's powers basically cancel each other out and has been compated to a "batman vs. joker" type rivalry... interesting... ;)

Claire (the cheerleader) becomes EVIL?!?!?! in teaser pointing a gun at Peter Petrilli.

and more to come.

Anyone down for a Heroes Season 1 AND 2 - marathon at my place?

Discuss, Rant, speculate and repeat.  :D
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


I want a kickass villian Asian girl in Heroes. D:

But otherwise, I'm excited about season 3! I really don't care for Claire, though. Or the Patrelli family, really. They're getting kinda old.
Is Parkman still alive? He's freaking awesome, one of my favorite besides Hiro. (:
Ellie S.
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hopefully one day i'll be as half as cool as him:

get hype.  :D
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D