Trinity Blood gathering '08

Started by vasher, February 27, 2008, 07:11:57 AM

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Sister Kate

I'll join you Kimu! oh great photo-ninja make me your apprentaice! I am taking digital photo next year so i am going to have lots of practice by the Fanime rolls around  ;D Ahh the blackmail material i could gather. I feel like the paparazi already!
kimu if you ever get sleepy  remember just go to the old Abel standby . . . 13 cubes of sugar!!!!! (the Cane brand of course)
I've been looking at a lot of pics of Lenalee and i really need to find a good way to attach the skirt to the top part of the jacket so it looks like one piece. I have a couple ideas but nothing great yet, to the drawing board!!
I've also been having fun trying to make a Mokona hat for my friends birthday coming up. so far its looking good! YAY ME!  ;)
Cain Sugar XD


I got better boots for my Abel today! ^^ Happiness!!! With some minor added detail they'll be great!!!

O.o uh-oh now I have to keep my eye on 2 ninja!!!!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Yes, Sister Kate...taking pictures is great fun. Although I will admit I try to be a nice photo ninja as opposed to a bad one.
The bad ones post icky pictures of people looking bad or to mock them cruelly. I like photos that are fun, but still nice ones of people in their costumes.

Good luck with the costume work!
The question is whether you already have the two pieces you need to attach? Does the character have a belt so you could maybe hide where you have to join things?
Or is it something you are which case I'd suggest finding a pattern that's close to what you want that's a one piece jacket with bottom flare, then make it out of muslin the first time to be sure you've got it looking like the character's costume....

And yeah for new boots for your Abel, Nightroad. heheh That sounds funny.
Although, I still think I need to give you a kick in the butt with my boots for being at AX and not seeing me....LOL!


Kate - which outfit of Linali's are you doing?  Most of the times I've seen her done, it's been a two-piece outfit -- which fits with the boys having coats and pants, I suppose -- so I'm curious.

I just spent entirely too much on an order with Fire Mountain Gems.  A lot of it wasn't for cosplay, so I can pretend I wasn't as bad as I probably was, but there was definitely some Kaya bling in there ... :D
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


Sounds like fun shopping Charis!

I looked at Fire Mountain Gems, but I didn't see the type of cabochons I'll probably need for Empire Abel.
Someone on suggested one web site, but they've discontinued their line of that stuff....
Hoping I don't have to get into that type of resin casting because that kind of resin is the stuff with the toxic fumes.
And while it was said on it could be done outside and you'd just cover the stuff to keep the 'bits of nature' out of it...not sure I can mess with that stuff in my one bedroom apartment with patio.


Actually, Kimu, depending on how bit your casts need to be, I think the stuff I've been using for my stuff works for doing gems ... Tap's got some info on it here, and I know at least one cosplayer who's used it for that.  (For whatever that's worth.)

At worst, I'm pretty sure I've seen people who take commissions for those sorts of cabochons.
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD

Sister Kate

I'm going with Lenalee's first outfit. Which does have a nice wide loose belt. Two piece will probably be my best bet. I was trying to see if there is any way to make it all one piece but i think thats too much for me right now.

kimu: Don't worry i don't post "bad" photos, i keep those for just my self and those involved!

I've been having a had time finding large gems for the mokona hats. I've found some large glass rocks that i can paint and glue on but i'm worried that they might be too heavy!  :-\
Cain Sugar XD


Sister Kate: Have you tired Richards? (little kid bead section or button section) Or a pet store? (If you try pet store go to the fish section and check out the dectrtive fish bowl stuff) Rember theres nothing wrong with improv!!!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


So... When is there going to be a 2009 Trinity Blood Gatherings thread?  ;D


I think the key is .... do we see if Vasher wanted to start the 09 gathering thread?
Or does one of us do it?
It would be nice to let Vasher have the say in it.

Right now it seems dear brother Cain is off hiding again. Typical Contra Mundi stunt. Probably come floating in to gloat about "burning up the world" and "new props for 09" when we least expect it....

As for gem-like things, I do know that Michaels and Beverly's don't have the right looking stuff for what I want.
You're right the glass rocks could be too heavy if you don't have a heavy enough support under them.
For me, aquarium glass rocks would be too heavy to use on the .... uh...skirt thing and cassocky-like shirt thing.
But for TB, leave no stone unturned in one's search for Bling!!!


This will be my first Trinity Blood Cosplay... >.>;
And embroidery(maybe) and details are going to be like hell for my Esther Blanchett costume...


yeah! Welcome to the insane fun of Trinity Blood costume making!
Trust me that the hell you go through to get it done WILL be worth it.
Having a Queen Esther join our gathering would be awesome! (Saw your post in the Cosplay 2009 thread.)


YAY!!! Another Esther!!! Welcome to the insanity! *bows* Its a pleasure to meet you!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Ordering fabric, fabric paint, accessories, pearls.. etc.... Ugh... >.>;
*shudders at the sight of an empty wallet*
But that doesn't add up to making her gravity defying collar...


Gravity-defying collar = lots of wire and buckram?  :3

I want all of my Kumoricon projects to be magically done so I can start working on my bling.  Alas ....
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD

Yukari Kaiba

hey quick question for you guys - so im going to be ordering my Tres wig today (getting the Perky from Amphigory), and I'm not entirely sure on the color. The only "solid" color they have thats close to Tres is a dark brown (and thanks to various screencaps i have his hair color tends to flux DX). what do you guys think would be the best color choice from the ones they have available for that wig?
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


I think if you want to go solid, then the #4 is probably the best of the available options.  Otherwise, the 4/30 doesn't look bad in the one shot they have of it (but I've no experience with hilighted wigs, so I'm not sure how it'd actually look) -- might lean closer to the variance in his hair?
That's a really limited set of colour choices for that wig. D:
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD

Yukari Kaiba

yeah thats the only thing i don't like about the wig - really limited color selection >< i saw the 4/30 and i liked the way it looked and i think ill go with that one, since Tres' hair isn't as dark as the #4. thanks for the help ^^
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


Sorry I am late to the Tres' Wig Picking Party!
I would think that's not a bad choice. Tres' hair varies from browns to reds.

For Esther's collar, yes on the buckram and wire!
I have some buckram and wire in my collar of doom for my AX cape.
Good luck accumulating all the bling! Doesn't hurt if you do it in stages and use coupons and sales to your advantage!


About the collar...Esther I feel for you!!!!!! My collar for my Abel is a good 3 inches off my shoulders!!!! (When its being nice and not flopping down!) I know you can do it!!! But yes buckram, the time your done it'll almost be robotic... ^^ *laughs*
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!