i think ive outgrown fanimecon

Started by satanic_mechanic, August 27, 2008, 12:34:50 PM

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I'm 39, so the thought that 22 or thereabouts is too old for Fanimecon is quite ludicrous, no offense intended.  I've been enjoying Fanime ever since it moved to Foothill College from CSU Hayward.

Furthermore, I'll echo what Steve said upthread: the con is what you make of it.  Don't like the furries?  Ignore them.  Feeling in a rut?  Try new things at the con if they look interesting to you.  Miss PC gaming?  Well, not much can be done about that unless you somehow rope Bill Gates into a big donation (seriously...a decent gaming rig will run you $1000+ per box, and that's just getting the boxes for starters, let alone managing them and getting the games for them).  Sometimes things don't work out, but other things come up that just might catch your interest in the meantime.
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Not to rain on anyone's parade.

OP: Good for you, then move on.

I don't understand why a lot of you are trying to justify your going, or attempt to persuade the OP to not feel that he's grown out of going to anime cons.

Cons are what you make out of it, but, cons are also just a small thing in the grander part of it. Frankly, there are a lot of other things to do than go to the con on a 3 day weekend. If I had to choose between Vegas with a good group of my friends, and the con, guess which one I'd choose? Yeah, it'll be fun to hang out at fanime, but it'll be fun to go gambling, drinking, clubbing, and just go out in Vegas. I can drink at Fanime... but if you call the dance or "rave" the equivalent of clubbing, you've obviously never been to a real club before.

Sorry to state this, but anime fans, in general, are pretty low on the totem pole of life in terms of social awesomeness. This is quite apparent at said dance... or "rave", or by looking around and talking to people.

So the OP wants to get away from that, and do something he finds more appropriate with his time.


Well I wasn't necessarily trying to convince him otherwise. He started making suggestions, I merely stated why Fanime might not implement those suggestions. I simply offered him an example of why I go as a contrast on people's various reasons for attending.

Just from the tone of his post, It seemed more like he was asking for help in finding things to do. It doesn't sound like he's not going anymore, just that he's not having as much fun as he use to. At least that's what I assumed.

I'm with you in terms of Anime Cons being on the low end of the "Cool Scale". The whole concept of Anime Conventions sorta sounds pretty nerdy doesn't it?

I'm going to Vegas in December with a large group of friends and it shall be full of drinking, clubbing, and outrageous social behavior. I can't wait.

Anyways, its almost 3 a.m. I wonder if any of this will make sense when I wake up.
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On the whole anime fans are low on the totem of social awsomeness thing, you might want to consider that there are some of us, who quite frankly, don't give a shit about it to begin with.  Some folks aren't as socially-oriented as others are, and would rather focus on what makes them happy rather than the approval of others on what makes them happy.

For example, I've no use for Las Vegas and I'd gladly spend a weekend at FanimeCon than at Vegas.  I've absolutely no use for throwing my money away gambling, I very rarely drink, and I don't bother with the clubbing scene (claustrophobia killed the attraction back in my twenties, when it might've mattered, and I'm far past the age for clubbing at this point of time anyway).  However, I have a lot more fun at FanimeCon, and at least I'd have something to show for the money spent there, even if it is anime/gaming merchandise and the like.

I will agree with Steve in how we read the OP.  It did seem more like someone who wasn't sure about things rather than outright wanting to put Fanime behind him.  If the latter is indeed the case, then that's his prerogative and it's cool if he wants to take other directions in life.  However, if it's more of a case where he's not having as fun as he'd like, then there's nothing wrong with others trying to help him find fun in new and different ways and make his con experience a better one if he's interested.

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I would have to agree with mikey that there are other things besides fanime like the vegas thing. For sure  I would pick that over fanime :d because well personally I havent been to vegas before and turning 21 in october i would do a whole lot of stuff there!

The dances at fanime are pretty pathetic, my friend and I go there though shes been to more clubs than I have and we hoped for variety at least. All it was was sub par techno or whatever it was and no combos of hip hop or pop. Barley any of it was danceable it felt like a middle school dance like people were sooooo akward with dancing with us haha well on the last day these two guys were pretty cool but thats it.

At animecons you get the weeaboos and the akward people who cant even say hello thats what I feel but you do find some pretty cool people :d like Mikey rofffllllllll


Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.


Quote from: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 08:12:05 AM
On the whole anime fans are low on the totem of social awsomeness thing, you might want to consider that there are some of us, who quite frankly, don't give a shit about it to begin with.  Some folks aren't as socially-oriented as others are, and would rather focus on what makes them happy rather than the approval of others on what makes them happy.

For example, I've no use for Las Vegas and I'd gladly spend a weekend at FanimeCon than at Vegas.  I've absolutely no use for throwing my money away gambling, I very rarely drink, and I don't bother with the clubbing scene (claustrophobia killed the attraction back in my twenties, when it might've mattered, and I'm far past the age for clubbing at this point of time anyway).  However, I have a lot more fun at FanimeCon, and at least I'd have something to show for the money spent there, even if it is anime/gaming merchandise and the like.

I will agree with Steve in how we read the OP.  It did seem more like someone who wasn't sure about things rather than outright wanting to put Fanime behind him.  If the latter is indeed the case, then that's his prerogative and it's cool if he wants to take other directions in life.  However, if it's more of a case where he's not having as fun as he'd like, then there's nothing wrong with others trying to help him find fun in new and different ways and make his con experience a better one if he's interested.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF... Well you realize you just proved my point though right? Vegas was just an example. I could have used any example to fill the slot instead. Trip to Japan? Trip to Europe? Trip to New York? There's infinite amount of things I could have said in its stead.

The hilarity of you saying that first line is awesome though. Social awkwardness... you don't give a shit about it then huh? Then why are you going to an anime convention with 10,000 people? Why not stay home and do whatever it is you would have done at the con in the comfort of your own home thereby avoiding the social contact of others, because you don't care about that? Why not avoid crowded rooms, and elevators which triggers your claustrophobia?

Don't even give me that bull shit. You contradict yourself so god damned bad in your own paragraph. Allow me to rewrite it for you.

"On the whole anime fans are low on the totem of social awsomeness thing, you might want to consider that there are some of us, know we are, and are happy with being socially awkward..  Some folks aren't as socially-oriented as others are, and would rather stick with other socially awkward people so that way we have no fear of being judged by normal people."

That sounds more accurate. That's fine... frankly I don't care. It was my point to begin with. Cons are filled with socially awkward people that have no real sense of personality. They're quite low on the totem.

*I* usually prefer people that I can talk to without them acting like retards. *I* usually prefer to talk to people that have more experience than sitting at home watching cartoons and reading comics. *I* usually prefer to talk to people that have seen the world and interacted with it instead of just reading about it on the internet and thinking they know about it.

If you don't enjoy that, then that's fine. Stick with the con. The con is a small thing to me, and although I enjoy it and meeting new people and what not, it's not my life.

The OP is stating that he feels he's not getting anything out of the convention anymore. And you guys answered it within your post whether or not you realized it. "The con is what you make of it". He is no longer enjoying the con, and telling him otherwise isn't going to change that. You telling him to try different things, when he probably has, or has no interest in doing so(because he would have before if he did) isn't going to magically make the convention any better. He's not enjoying the con because he's not. It's his choice. To be honest, if he really feels that way, he shouldn't waste his time there.


Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
:j theres a circus circus for kiddies like you


Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 03:33:32 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
:j theres a circus circus for kiddies like you

Haha, that gets old quick.

You really need to be at least 21 to really experience Vegas =).
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<snip usual Mikey bullshit>

And that "woosh" was the sound of the entire point of my post going way over Mikey's head.

What you don't seem to get is that some of us don't really care what you or some other people think about us and prefer to live lives the way we see fit.  If you or any other person doesn't like what you see in me, for example, you can walk away, shove it up your obnoxiously opinionated ass, or do whatever you see fit because I'm going to continue to enjoy the things I enjoy with or without your approval.

As to why someone like me who doesn't give a shit about what society says about me would go to a con that has 10,000+ people there, has it even occurred to you that there are things that can be enjoyed there, especially new things, regardless of the social or not.  Not caring about what society says or thinks about you doesn't mean that you've become a shut in, believe it or not.  I function decently enough in society as is.  It's just that I don't give a fuck what it says or thinks about me, that's all.  There's a difference between that and being a shut-in, but I think that difference has completely escaped you.
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Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 03:33:32 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
:j theres a circus circus for kiddies like you

Thats it, a circus?


Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 08:16:39 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 03:33:32 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
:j theres a circus circus for kiddies like you

Thats it, a circus?
more of an entertainment/arcade place


Quote from: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 07:58:25 PM
<snip usual Mikey bullshit>

And that "woosh" was the sound of the entire point of my post going way over Mikey's head.
No, it didn't. I'm just calling bull shit on it. Let me state it this way. If you could be found attractive, popular, and outgoing, you are stating you wouldn't be? You don't need to give up your fandom to be any of these things at all. Frankly, a lot of people that do go to conventions don't fit the stereotype of con-goers at all. So you being extremely defensive just shows how "bitter" about it you are. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be so defensive, you wouldn't attempt to attack me for stating something that was GENERAL about the GENERAL attendees. Instead you jumped back all offended bitching and screaming because I said most con attendees are social retards. Good job at proving my point.

QuoteWhat you don't seem to get is that some of us don't really care what you or some other people think about us and prefer to live lives the way we see fit.  If you or any other person doesn't like what you see in me, for example, you can walk away, shove it up your obnoxiously opinionated ass, or do whatever you see fit because I'm going to continue to enjoy the things I enjoy with or without your approval.
This is something separate completely. THIS JUST IN... I'm a bigger nerd than you are. I've been into the scene as long as you have, and I'd put money on it that I know more, do more, and indulge myself more in the fandom than you ever will. I bet I've seen more JP porn/ero-anime, played more ero-ge, read more ero-doujin, hell read more doujin in general than you have. Why? I've been doing it far before the internet made it easy. I sell ero-doujinshi at AX, and to be honest, I usually read the majority of it after/before hand.

So how does this make sense? You're stating to me, that you don't care about people like me judging you, when I DO EVERYTHING YOU DO, AND THEN SOME. It just so happens that, I also have a real life, and am social as well. I do my fair share of other crap outside of my fandom.

As to why someone like me who doesn't give a shit about what society says about me would go to a con that has 10,000+ people there, has it even occurred to you that there are things that can be enjoyed there, especially new things, regardless of the social or not.  Not caring about what society says or thinks about you doesn't mean that you've become a shut in, believe it or not.  I function decently enough in society as is.  It's just that I don't give a fuck what it says or thinks about me, that's all.  There's a difference between that and being a shut-in, but I think that difference has completely escaped you.

As to why someone like me who doesn't give a shit about what society says about me would go to a con that has 10,000+ people there, has it even occurred to you that there are things that can be enjoyed there, especially new things, regardless of the social or not.  Not caring about what society says or thinks about you doesn't mean that you've become a shut in, believe it or not.  I function decently enough in society as is.  It's just that I don't give a fuck what it says or thinks about me, that's all.  There's a difference between that and being a shut-in, but I think that difference has completely escaped you.

You don't have to be a shut in to be a pathetic loser. Shut ins can function decently enough in society, that doesn't mean it's their preferred method. Really, name one non-social thing you can do at fanime, that you cannot do outside of Fanime. I'm curious. Really I am. Just to shorten this though.

Anything visually related, you can do on the internet. I can watch/buy/see anything non-social that is at fanime outside of fanime on the internets. AMV's, Masquerade, all be scene on the internet(though masquerade is technically a social event). If you remove all the social stuff, you're pretty much left with... the dealers room, video rooms, and panels. Panels can be mimicked online with forums or chatrooms.

So, what is the point of your post?

"I don't care if I'm a pathetic loser!" ???

Is that about it? That doesn't disprove what I said at all, it merely means you accepted it, instead of trying to be more socially adept.


Since Japan was brought up, I been planning to go for some time now. I'm gonna bring me back one of those toilets that can wash your ass for you (or does one in the US already exist?) =D.

...that and haul me back all the Megami/Dengeki Festival Deluxe etc etc/resins/phone straps/UFO catchers.. *joygasm*...

Go visit the country side, ride a bullet train, go to a summer festival, attend a high school for a day (>_>) and so forth.... but I would like to spend a good amount of time away from the city as well.

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Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 08:25:39 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 08:16:39 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 03:33:32 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
:j theres a circus circus for kiddies like you

Thats it, a circus?
more of an entertainment/arcade place
first floor is the casino, second floor is the arcade/circus/kids area(at least that's how it was last time i was there); as fun as shooting zombies can be....fucking slot machines, yo.

Quote from: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 09:04:15 PM
Since Japan was brought up, I been planning to go for some time now. I'm gonna bring me back one of those toilets that can wash your ass for you (or does one in the US already exist?) =D.

...that and haul me back all the Megami/Dengeki Festival Deluxe etc etc/resins/phone straps/UFO catchers.. *joygasm*...

Go visit the country side, ride a bullet train, go to a summer festival, attend a high school for a day (>_>) and so forth.... but I would like to spend a good amount of time away from the city as well.

they sell the toilets at Japantown in San Fran........well, they used to sell them before a certain store left.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


Quote from: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 09:04:15 PM
Since Japan was brought up, I been planning to go for some time now. I'm gonna bring me back one of those toilets that can wash your ass for you (or does one in the US already exist?) =D.

...that and haul me back all the Megami/Dengeki Festival Deluxe etc etc/resins/phone straps/UFO catchers.. *joygasm*...

Go visit the country side, ride a bullet train, go to a summer festival, attend a high school for a day (>_>) and so forth.... but I would like to spend a good amount of time away from the city as well.

they sell the toilets at Japantown in San Fran........well, they used to sell them before a certain store left.

well i think its the same thing as a biday(? a french word i cannot seem to spell after years of french) which you can probably find in some specialty stores i duno
Cosplay Fanime 09
White & Red Ninja- 100%
Tuxedo mask - Sailor moon - 100%
Ginji- GetBackers 100%
Captain Kuro - one piece 100%


Wow... really? -_-;

I haven't been to SF much, but I have been going the week before I moved my ass to Boston. Man, the Metreon is pretty awesome and probably the only place I can play MvC2 (with ease of getting there of course). That and going to j-town and looking through all the art books at that one book store (forgot name). Man, I'm so going back to Cali my x-mas break..;_;
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Mikey, can you even claim to have seen Star Blazers when it first aired here in the US?  Hell, can you even claim to have been born when it did?  What about Battle of the Planets?  Oooh!  Oooh!  Space Giants!!  Ultraman!

Can't claim any of those?  Then don't bother claiming that you've been a fan as long as, or even longer than me.  No, better yet, keep claiming that.  I can use a really good laugh after a crazy day at work, and you claiming that you have equal or longer longetivity than I have as a fan is good for one.  I've seen you at the board panel this past Fanime, and if you're anything older than your twenties, then I'd be honestly surprised.  You don't look old enough to even have been conceived in the 70's, let alone born in them and watching some of the earlier anime that reached these shores.

Now, since you seem to like "fixing" other people's posts, let me turn around and fix one of yours to better reflect my attitude about things:

"I don't care if you think I'm a pathetic loser."

Much more accurate, because I don't happen to think I am a loser, let alone a pathetic one.  I do quite fine given the circumstances, thank you very much.  While I don't have the best of jobs, I do very well at it and have gotten a fair amount of recognition from my managers and supervisors for it.  I have a small circle of friends, but I prefer it that way, letting me concentrate more time with them.  I'm even enjoying a recently formed relationship, and I even travel from time to time.  Not often as budget dictates, but enough to make me happy with life.  No, I'm not all that outgoing, but believe it or not, some people aren't all that outgoing and that doesn't make them social misfits as you seem to believe.  It just means that they may be more self-sufficient in life than others, that's all.

What I don't care about is if others such as yourself decide that, if I like certain things in life, or if I'm not as outgoing, or if I don't share the same likes as others, that I'm somehow a misfit, or maladjusted, or a loser.  Right now, I'm at a stage in life (usually a good while after high school or even college) when such things don't matter nearly as much.  I don't need your approval, or society's in general, to enjoy life or the things I enjoy in life.  If you enjoy some of the same things as well, that's nice.  If you don't, well, I've got my life, you've got yours, let's each follow our respective paths.  If you want to be vocal about it, I'm perfectly entitled to file that opinion in the appropriate category, which would be "bullshit to be ignored." in my book.

Speaking of which, it's past time I started ignoring you in general anyway.  It'd be nice if the board has a proper ignore list function, but I suppose that, barring a proper ignore list, I should simply ignore your bullshit anyway with or without one.  I'm done with you.

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Quote from: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 09:30:37 PM
Mikey, can you even claim to have seen Star Blazers when it first aired here in the US?  Hell, can you even claim to have been born when it did?  What about Battle of the Planets?  Oooh!  Oooh!  Space Giants!!  Ultraman!
I'm somewhat sure he can claim these.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


woooow I feel like mikey your going to be arguing with a 12 year old imo HAY i watched some ultraman when I was six it was a friends copy since his family was japanese....it was weeeird

anyway Kefka yeah its called a bidae, Haha japanese toilets are almost everything a foreighner plays with. my group did in our hotel o__o though i think one of the girls liked it a bit too much...

Oh high schools in JP arent really special though I did meet the english teacher and what not. But man it would look great for some creepy photoshoots at night though.

Take lots of pictures kefkaa~ and go see some kabuki while your there. I loved it :B admist all the shopping and picture touristy places