What Anime Would You Want Brought to the States?

Started by Dragon Ninja, October 08, 2008, 09:54:00 PM

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D. Gray Man. I think it comes out in March though.
Potatoes Rule the World.
Deal with it.


It ain't the meaning of life but the feeling of it.


Quote from: JohnnyAR on October 09, 2008, 02:44:33 PM
I want Zero no Tsukaima to be brought into the US already, dammit!

The first season has been released in a boxset back in december.I just finished watching all 13 eps  and it was good.Hopefully the 2nd and 3rd seasons will be picked up.


Quote from: Rodney_Pheonix on November 24, 2008, 08:46:58 AM
I doubt it but was Higurashi ever brought over, actually on second thought the dubbing alone would butcher it.

Uh, I don't know. All their voices were pretty annoying to begin with.

Quote from: lyricaldanichan on November 25, 2008, 01:27:59 PM
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei + Zoku + Goku

and Detroit Metal City... and big kudos for the company who does bring in both (probally Viz for DMC).

loooooooooool stop trolling

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Sorry to shoot all of those down, but... really?

LOL. KoJika is never coming to the states. Ever.

Moetan... I didn't follow the animation due to its quality, but I recall the primary reason for its existence is a moe version of learning English, which is the primary language in the US.

As for DMC, I guess there'd be kind of an appeal here based on what its about, but aren't there a ton of cultural stuff in there and humor that wouldn't apply in the US?

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Quote from: sykoeent on January 07, 2009, 08:03:36 AM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on January 07, 2009, 12:36:39 AM
Sorry to shoot all of those down, but... really?

LOL. KoJika is never coming to the states. Ever.

Moetan... I didn't follow the animation due to its quality, but I recall the primary reason for its existence is a moe version of learning English, which is the primary language in the US.

As for DMC, I guess there'd be kind of an appeal here based on what its about, but aren't there a ton of cultural stuff in there and humor that wouldn't apply in the US?

Yeah... Sad Days on KoJika... I'm gonna just get the Japanese DVD's of that one...

and Moetan... well... I mean, I thought it was fun... and there are still a lot of people here that can't speak English... soooo..... PLUS:


SEE! A fun song!

And DMC, I think they already are bringing it here stateside... at least in Live-Action, anyway... heheheh
;D ;D ;D
:U well jp dvds are by region so unless you can modify the settings on your media player or have a dvd player that plays any region well good luck

errr alot of immigrants now speak english or little english but it still gets them by, Im not sure how moetan would work out stateside

DMC live action is comming to the us because LA has american celebrities like Gene simmons in it and sure while it has something here in the states like Jun said too many japanese culture references and humor to be translated well in the US


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DMC wouldn't have too much of a problem translating.  You don't need to be japanese to understand the awesomeness of air guitar.  The only culture you need to know is ROCK, whether it be death metal, hair metal, punk, etc.  I was watching this at the same time i was watching Beck and they're not too different aside from the obvious.  Doubt we'll see it on Adult Swim though.

It ain't the meaning of life but the feeling of it.


Quote from: sykoeent on January 07, 2009, 08:56:23 PM
Why are you guys so negative? The topic here is "What Anime Would You Want Brought to the States?" not "What Anime is coming to the States"! I know these will never get here, but they are still fun watches! And of course I know about the region coded dvd's! That's what my region free dvd player is for!
And really... did you guys just read the wikipedia description of Moetan? I saw a couple episodes and it's a typical magical girl anime, imo. It's fun, and silly! And DMC is coming to the states cos it's being shopped around the studios for a possible Crappifying-remake. Of course it will be changed! But that also means there is a higher chance the anime will make it to dvd here too, look at Ring and Ring (I still refuse to call it Ringu!) I know it's a free country and all, but you guys are being trolls, and that's just lame!
Here's a smiley faceys for yous!
:D :D :D

Because I WOULDN'T want them in the states, rather... I DON'T want them to come to the states. I've followed Moe-tan for about... 6 years now. I've read the first three book releases. You "saw a few eps" and you're telling us that we "just read the wiki descriptions"? Okay, maybe it's just because I worked in localization for years, but I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE when products that aren't meant for an audience is forcibly brought to that audience, completely bastardized, and the bastardization is what becomes the "norm/accepted" of it.

Moe-tan is a joke English teaching guide. They take words and phrases and give them totally hilarious, but messed up uses for it. The "Moe-tan learning corner" and the books most famous one was the one that contained how to use the word "like". It gave the definition and for the usage sentence it had "I like you. Come to my house and f*ck my sister". This was in book 2 iirc. I don't remember seeing that I went through these like... 5 years ago.

Blah blah just to add because I don't want people to bring up contradictions and have to explain later. Mari-tan is a book series similar to the moe-tan books. This is the completely joke version of Moe-tan where everything goes out of its way to be ridiculous. Moe-tan is a lot more serious than Mari-tan but Moe-tan is still full of jokes and horrible translations and the what not.


Moe-tan was partially made to make fun of the American fans of anime, and the culture as a whole. It was a reflection of how Americans bastardize Japanese phrases they learn from anime, and completely misuse stuff all the time.

So let's think about this. You want to take a series, meant to poorly teach English to JP people as a joke to make fun of Americans... and bring it to America. How would you dub this? Would you make her teach poor JP to the obviously JP student she has a crush on? I can only picture the discussion on purchasing the rights for it. "We're going to switch it around, so that they're making fun of JP people... YOU'LL LOVE IT! We're making fun of you!"

Then throw in the entire fact that she's a grade schooler, her friends are all grade schoolers, and they go out of their way to be AS PERVERTED AS POSSIBLE. Half the scenes would have to be edited.

There are a lot of series I think have no place being in the US because they're so culture based. There are shows though that just absolutely should not ever be brought here. Zetsubou Sensei and Moe-tan are two of them.

Zetsubou Sensei's entire premise is about Japanese culture. There's no way to localize it. First off, you can't explain the names in English. America doesn't have Kanji and usages. 4/5 episodes do not apply to the states with their basis.

If I were put on either of these projects as a localizer, I would flat out quit. It would be agonizing trying to translate and localize everything to be even 1/10th of what the original was trying to portray, and it would be iffy at best to find a way to explain it in English.

The easy answer of "then why change it, just leave it as it is" doesn't work. Because now you're bastardizing 80% of your target audience.

DMC doesn't have a translation problem but it has a cultural bounds. It would be the easiest of the three to do, and COULD be done, but now we're talking audience and like Lucky Star, it'd go over the heads of the majority. People would still love it though, despite not getting it at all.


Well, er, I wasn't being particularly negative about it nor was I trolling, but your reaction is blatantly displaying your stupidtiy. Just a heads up. But if anything, despite the topic of the thread, it doesn't hurt to make suggestions that aren't ridiculous. A lot of series wouldn't work because of the major cultural differences, and difference in audience. If you could enjoy it in its original form, and the fact that some series wouldn't work in the States... why would you want them in the States at all?

Moetan existed as a book series long before the animation even existed, and its entire point of creation was to teach English with moe characters. The animation was terrible, if anything. Please, don't you even try to push that I'm the one misinformed. I'll end it here, though.

Ah well, on topic of the thread, anyway, I'd have to agree with Michiko e Hatchin and D.Gray-Man working in the states. Though, I couldn't care less since I don't normally purchase DVDs.

EDIT: God damn it. I hate posting after Mikey. >:|

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Quote from: sykoeent on January 07, 2009, 09:44:40 PM
Actually... I was thinking about reading all of this wall of argumentative text, but I'm not going to... BUT... We have www.Engrish.com so I'd like to see their view on things. And, instead of calling this "What Anime Would You Want Brought to the States?", you should name it "What Anime Would Our Little Circle Wants in the States". I, personally, have no arguements with what you guys want brought in the states, but when I say what I want, I get Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Ridiculous Wall o'text arguing with me why I am wrong to want these here. I'm sorry, I didn't know this was under communist rule here. Before you try re-attacking me, please read the title of the forum and ask yourself, "is this really something to argue over?" cos it isn't.
Here are a few Smileys For you too!
:D :D :D


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I love idiots like you.


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Quote from: sykoeent on January 07, 2009, 09:44:40 PM
Quote from: PyronIkari on January 07, 2009, 09:27:25 PM
Quote from: sykoeent on January 07, 2009, 08:56:23 PM
Why are you guys so negative? The topic here is "What Anime Would You Want Brought to the States?" not "What Anime is coming to the States"! I know these will never get here, but they are still fun watches! And of course I know about the region coded dvd's! That's what my region free dvd player is for!
And really... did you guys just read the wikipedia description of Moetan? I saw a couple episodes and it's a typical magical girl anime, imo. It's fun, and silly! And DMC is coming to the states cos it's being shopped around the studios for a possible Crappifying-remake. Of course it will be changed! But that also means there is a higher chance the anime will make it to dvd here too, look at Ring and Ring (I still refuse to call it Ringu!) I know it's a free country and all, but you guys are being trolls, and that's just lame!
Here's a smiley faceys for yous!
:D :D :D

Because I WOULDN'T want them in the states, rather... I DON'T want them to come to the states. I've followed Moe-tan for about... 6 years now. I've read the first three book releases. You "saw a few eps" and you're telling us that we "just read the wiki descriptions"? Okay, maybe it's just because I worked in localization for years, but I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE when products that aren't meant for an audience is forcibly brought to that audience, completely bastardized, and the bastardization is what becomes the "norm/accepted" of it.

Moe-tan is a joke English teaching guide. They take words and phrases and give them totally hilarious, but messed up uses for it. The "Moe-tan learning corner" and the books most famous one was the one that contained how to use the word "like". It gave the definition and for the usage sentence it had "I like you. Come to my house and f*ck my sister". This was in book 2 iirc. I don't remember seeing that I went through these like... 5 years ago.


Moe-tan was partially made to make fun of the American fans of anime, and the culture as a whole. It was a reflection of how Americans bastardize Japanese phrases they learn from anime, and completely misuse stuff all the time.

So let's think about this. You want to take a series, meant to poorly teach English to JP people as a joke to make fun of Americans... and bring it to America. How would you dub this? Would you make her teach poor JP to the obviously JP student she has a crush on? I can only picture the discussion on purchasing the rights for it. "We're going to switch it around, so that they're making fun of JP people... YOU'LL LOVE IT! We're making fun of you!"

Then throw in the entire fact that she's a grade schooler, her friends are all grade schoolers, and they go out of their way to be AS PERVERTED AS POSSIBLE. Half the scenes would have to be edited.

There are a lot of series I think have no place being in the US because they're so culture based. There are shows though that just absolutely should not ever be brought here. Zetsubou Sensei and Moe-tan are two of them.

Zetsubou Sensei's entire premise is about Japanese culture. There's no way to localize it. First off, you can't explain the names in English. America doesn't have Kanji and usages. 4/5 episodes do not apply to the states with their basis.

If I were put on either of these projects as a localizer, I would flat out quit. It would be agonizing trying to translate and localize everything to be even 1/10th of what the original was trying to portray, and it would be iffy at best to find a way to explain it in English.

The easy answer of "then why change it, just leave it as it is" doesn't work. Because now you're bastardizing 80% of your target audience.

DMC doesn't have a translation problem but it has a cultural bounds. It would be the easiest of the three to do, and COULD be done, but now we're talking audience and like Lucky Star, it'd go over the heads of the majority. People would still love it though, despite not getting it at all.
Actually... I was thinking about reading all of this wall of argumentative text, but I'm not going to... BUT... We have www.Engrish.com so I'd like to see their view on things. And, instead of calling this "What Anime Would You Want Brought to the States?", you should name it "What Anime Would Our Little Circle Wants in the States". I, personally, have no arguements with what you guys want brought in the states, but when I say what I want, I get Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Ridiculous Wall o'text arguing with me why I am wrong to want these here. I'm sorry, I didn't know this was under communist rule here. Before you try re-attacking me, please read the title of the forum and ask yourself, "is this really something to argue over?" cos it isn't.
Here are a few Smileys For you too!
:D :D :D

The reason he is wall of texting you is because you're showing signs of ignorance. I really don't need to add anything else other than do your research and actually pay attention when you watch anime before you think such-and-such series should be brought over.

Having Lucky Star brought over is a joke, it's all japanese culture/japanese memes that not many americans will get, heck I didn't even get 1/2 of the stuff they were talking about, while there's people running around thinking they know what each of them are.


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Quote from: sykoeent on January 08, 2009, 08:01:05 AM
Quote from: Mizuki on January 08, 2009, 12:06:46 AM
The reason he is wall of texting you is because you're showing signs of ignorance. I really don't need to add anything else other than do your research and actually pay attention when you watch anime before you think such-and-such series should be brought over.

Having Lucky Star brought over is a joke, it's all japanese culture/japanese memes that not many americans will get, heck I didn't even get 1/2 of the stuff they were talking about, while there's people running around thinking they know what each of them are.
Again, thanks for pointing these things out, but again, the topic is "What Anime Would You Want Brought to the States?"
I mean, do I really have to reiterate this? This forum is like a wish list of what I personally would like to see come here. Whether you agree or not, it doesn't really matter, and that's why I think it's funny and gave all of them smiley's, cos it seems like they want to bring in drama for something so simple as a comment that I made about how I'd like to see Kodomo no Jikan, Moetan and Detroit Metal City come to the states. If I'm showing signs of ignorance, it's because, well, look at the argument that was started. Seriously, it's an argument about what I'd like to see here and apparently how stupid, n00b and un-l33t I am for even mentioning these. Will what I want even come here? I doubt it. Is it wrong for me to want it here? No. Why are we even arguing this? Because Pyrex doesn't agree with me? Really, I don't even know who that guy is, nor do I care. I don't know who Jun or even you are. All I know is that, I voiced my opinion, and like a communist government, I was shot down.
And for that... you too get some smileys!
:D :D :D

Er, well.... for one thing, no one was trying to govern your opinion. I replied with my opinion, which I am also entitled to. It's the way YOU reacted to it, if anything, and the stupidity YOU chose to show that started any "drama". If you're acting stupid, you can't exactly blame others for pointing it out.

P.S. And do you not see the irony? You blame other people for trolling you, but if anything, you b*tching and whining about how people don't agree with you (which wasn't supposed to be a big deal in the first place, if anything) and throwing smileys at people you don't like to somehow reassure yourself that you're "above" opinions, and what's awesome is that you even chose to troll a mod.

I mean, come on. You're entitled to your opinion, but so are others. Make a stupid statement or suggestion? That's your choice. Someone else pointing it out and why? That's their choice too. World doesn't revolve around you.

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


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