What Anime Would You Want Brought to the States?

Started by Dragon Ninja, October 08, 2008, 09:54:00 PM

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Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


(If it hasn't already been stated) The uncut & undubbed versions of of DBZ and DBGT, with JP subtitles.
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
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I want the Ushio & Tora Manga to be serialized in the USA dammit! The 10 OVAs just won't cut it >:(


Survive!  Uninhabited Planet (Mujin Wakusei Survive).


the ichigo 100% (or strawberry 100%) anime  ;_;
im reading the manga and its like one of my favorites......


Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei.  It's very strange.
Join me at Ani-Jam 2011 in Fresno, CA.  August 20-21



and the anime, "RAY the Animation"

*thumbs up*

+10 for those of you who've heard of it.


I don't know about anime, but I want the manga Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume to come to the US. ;_;
2011 Cosplays -
Mijumaru/Oshawott (Pokemon B/W)
Team Rocket Grunt (Pokemon)

Possibly Red Scout (TF2)


Quote from: Liquid on April 13, 2009, 12:49:18 PM
(If it hasn't already been stated) The uncut & undubbed versions of of DBZ and DBGT, with JP subtitles.

Same for Blue Dragon (and in it's 16X9 aspect.)


To be honest, I don't want anime to be brought to the USA. I hate English dubs and how America censors a lot of parts in anime.
I want to keep it in Japanese. If you want to market it in the USA, subtitle it in English. That'll be enough.
And for those that want to understand Japanese dub, learn Japanese. It's really that simple, in a sense. XD



Quote from: Joshua on May 31, 2009, 10:47:56 PM
To be honest, I don't want anime to be brought to the USA. I hate English dubs and how America censors a lot of parts in anime.
I want to keep it in Japanese. If you want to market it in the USA, subtitle it in English. That'll be enough.
And for those that want to understand Japanese dub, learn Japanese. It's really that simple, in a sense. XD


... I'm guessing you don't know anything about marketing nor the current state of this industry in the states. "That'll be enough"? Are you serious? Well first, as a business "enough" isn't what they're aiming for. As much business as possible... is what they're aiming for.

2ndly, you don't like dubs, that's fine. How does a company releasing dubs in any way affect/harm/hurt you? You're telling people that they should learn Japanese if they want to watch anime without having to depend on subtitles...

Essentially you're saying that a huge part of business and international sales should be completely terminated, because "you don't like dubs". Dubs happen everywhere, Japan gets dubbed versions of US dramas and stuff. A lot of those dubbed shows are done by VAs in anime. These VAs usually get more for these dubs than they do for work on anime. VA'ing isn't exactly the best paying job in the world, and without stuff like dubs, many of them probably couldn't afford to stay VAs.

To me, it sounds nothing more than you being an elitist. "I LIKE MY ANIME IN JP, AND ANYONE WHO DOESN'T IS BELOW ME AND DOESN'T DESERVE TO WATCH IT!"

Dubs HELP the anime community. JP studios make money when they are bought and dubbed in to the US. All opinion of quality aside, dubs support the industry as a whole in both the US AND JAPAN which gives studios more money to make more anime and in better quality.

But since you don't like dubs, and think nothing should be brought to the US, you are essentially saying you don't care about the economy... you elitist prick.


Quote from: PyronIkari on June 01, 2009, 12:56:45 AM
Quote from: Joshua on May 31, 2009, 10:47:56 PM
To be honest, I don't want anime to be brought to the USA. I hate English dubs and how America censors a lot of parts in anime.
I want to keep it in Japanese. If you want to market it in the USA, subtitle it in English. That'll be enough.
And for those that want to understand Japanese dub, learn Japanese. It's really that simple, in a sense. XD


... I'm guessing you don't know anything about marketing nor the current state of this industry in the states. "That'll be enough"? Are you serious? Well first, as a business "enough" isn't what they're aiming for. As much business as possible... is what they're aiming for.

2ndly, you don't like dubs, that's fine. How does a company releasing dubs in any way affect/harm/hurt you? You're telling people that they should learn Japanese if they want to watch anime without having to depend on subtitles...

Essentially you're saying that a huge part of business and international sales should be completely terminated, because "you don't like dubs". Dubs happen everywhere, Japan gets dubbed versions of US dramas and stuff. A lot of those dubbed shows are done by VAs in anime. These VAs usually get more for these dubs than they do for work on anime. VA'ing isn't exactly the best paying job in the world, and without stuff like dubs, many of them probably couldn't afford to stay VAs.

To me, it sounds nothing more than you being an elitist. "I LIKE MY ANIME IN JP, AND ANYONE WHO DOESN'T IS BELOW ME AND DOESN'T DESERVE TO WATCH IT!"

Dubs HELP the anime community. JP studios make money when they are bought and dubbed in to the US. All opinion of quality aside, dubs support the industry as a whole in both the US AND JAPAN which gives studios more money to make more anime and in better quality.

But since you don't like dubs, and think nothing should be brought to the US, you are essentially saying you don't care about the economy... you elitist prick.

uhh...one word - wow?

I really don't get how there are always the members in forums that just end up flaming the heck out of some other person's post. Hey, if you don't agree, just say so. Stop adding completely irrelevant and incorrect ideas such as assumptions (the most frequent and obvious mistake in logical arguments) and personal attacks. I'm not an "elitist prick", so stop saying that. Your signature says it all.

Unfortunately for your argument, I do know and am completely aware of the state of the current anime industry in the United States. You have the wrong idea of "as much business as possible" - you're essentially saying that the US cannot make "a lot of business" without their own English dubs. By the way, crunchyroll.com is making incredible amounts of money from contracts with anime studios for subtitled anime. The core of your argument is invalid.

You also made a personal attack here. You also assumed that companies releasing English dubs hurt me. WTH? How does that even affect me? I don't have anything to do with them. Oh look, Spain made a Spanish dub of this anime. So? Why do I care? O_o I just won't watch it. I don't give a care whether other people watch it or not. It's their choice.

By the way, voice actors actually do get paid much in Japan, as it is a well-established profession. However, this is not the case in America (and this is the main reason why English dubs suck). Oh, and you got the logic backwards. Voice actors exist because there are dubs to make, not the other way around. If there were no overdubs, voice actors would not exist anyways.

And of course studios in Japan get money when the US industry buys from them. (It's the same as if I bought a crate of apples from you. Oh look, you got money.) Sadly that didn't have anything to do with what I said. You incorporated an irrelevant topic into the real one to create a fake argument (in logic circles this is known as the straw man argument).

This had nothing to do with the economy. You're just saying that the economy will falter when the USA subtitles anime instead. That's a large stretch of an assumption, yet again. You seem pretty sure about what you said. What economy are you talking about? The USA? Japan? World economy?

Let me get this straight.
1. Japanese dubs for their anime are good.
2. English dubs for Japanese anime generally suck.
3. Therefore, I like Japanese dubs and hate English dubs.
4. As a result, I recommend others to try Japanese dubs. I also suggest that the US subtitle Japanese anime instead.

- and none of your "elitist" assumptions.


Quote from: Joshua on June 01, 2009, 03:32:00 AMuhh...one word - wow?

I really don't get how there are always the members in forums that just end up flaming the heck out of some other person's post. Hey, if you don't agree, just say so. Stop adding completely irrelevant and incorrect ideas such as assumptions (the most frequent and obvious mistake in logical arguments) and personal attacks. I'm not an "elitist prick", so stop saying that. Your signature says it all.

Unfortunately for your argument, I do know and am completely aware of the state of the current anime industry in the United States. You have the wrong idea of "as much business as possible" - you're essentially saying that the US cannot make "a lot of business" without their own English dubs. By the way, crunchyroll.com is making incredible amounts of money from contracts with anime studios for subtitled anime. The core of your argument is invalid.
You assume you do, but you're wrong. I actually know people that work at crunchy roll... incredible amount of money? Wrong. They are doing decently well, but it's hardly booming. Am I saying a lot of business cannot make a lot of business without English dubs... some can succeed, but realistically, yes, they cannot make "A LOT OF BUSINESS" without dubs. This is about target audiences. Dubbing is catering to the main stream. The main stream doesn't want "subtitled anime" they want dubbed stuff. They want things that focus on the mass market. Subtitles aim towards the minority of the world. If you really want to talk about localization, the majority doesn't understand most of the cultural points in anime. They do not know what most Japanese things are, let alone be able to understand the themes. So they want a localization that caters to this. Why are things in Pokemon, Naruto, even Gundam changed? To fit the market.

QuoteYou also made a personal attack here. You also assumed that companies releasing English dubs hurt me. WTH? How does that even affect me? I don't have anything to do with them. Oh look, Spain made a Spanish dub of this anime. So? Why do I care? O_o I just won't watch it. I don't give a care whether other people watch it or not. It's their choice.
No, I didn't make an assumption, you stated this. Your first post clearly states you did not want them to exist at all. Not "I don't like them", nor "I don't care if they exist".

QuoteBy the way, voice actors actually do get paid much in Japan, as it is a well-established profession. However, this is not the case in America (and this is the main reason why English dubs suck). Oh, and you got the logic backwards. Voice actors exist because there are dubs to make, not the other way around. If there were no overdubs, voice actors would not exist anyways.
This is completely false. Only the top of the top get paid much, and it's not because of their VA work alone. Most top female VA's in Japan do so much more than VA'ing, and that's how they make the majority of their money. They do things like sing, model, and endorse goods. The vast majority of VA's have 2nd jobs, and not glamorous ones. It's completely normal for a VA to have a 2nd job as a waitress at a family restaurant, or other low paying attendant jobs that isn't too time consuming as to where they can still VA. I wonder where you got this horrid assumption that VA's are high paying? VA's in America are actually usually paid MORE per job than JP ones. It's just that in Japan VA'ing has many more requirements. Most VA's have to had professional training/schooling in VA'ing, where as America there is no real standard. VA's would exist without over dubs... because... there are domestic jobs. So what you said is completely false.

QuoteAnd of course studios in Japan get money when the US industry buys from them. (It's the same as if I bought a crate of apples from you. Oh look, you got money.) Sadly that didn't have anything to do with what I said. You incorporated an irrelevant topic into the real one to create a fake argument (in logic circles this is known as the straw man argument).
And most companies in the US make their money from dubbed works, not subtitled works. How is this irrelevant at all? JP companies WANT US COMPANIES TO BUY LICENSES. US companies make most of their money from dubbed works. If US companies don't make money, they cannot buy licenses, which means the JP companies don't make as much money, which lowers their quality and capabilities. Hi, welcome to basic economics.

QuoteThis had nothing to do with the economy. You're just saying that the economy will falter when the USA subtitles anime instead. That's a large stretch of an assumption, yet again. You seem pretty sure about what you said. What economy are you talking about? The USA? Japan? World economy?
Both economies. The economics of the anime industry in the US highly revolves around dubbed series.

Look, in general, I hate dubs. I think 99% of them are utter crap, but I'm not talking about quality here, I'm speaking purely business. I'm speaking purely on what sells, why it sells, and how it affects everything else. I'm deathly curious why you think it's different than what I said. Besides the fact that I know people that work at a lot of different anime companies, both here and in Japan... I do follow how things work and where they are currently. This is actually a subject piece I discuss with people in the industry every so often as I'm interested in marketing.

So seriously, where did you pull that dubs are unimportant in this market?

QuoteLet me get this straight.
1. Japanese dubs for their anime are good.
2. English dubs for Japanese anime generally suck.
3. Therefore, I like Japanese dubs and hate English dubs.
4. As a result, I recommend others to try Japanese dubs. I also suggest that the US subtitle Japanese anime instead.

- and none of your "elitist" assumptions.
1. You should learn how to use words correctly. "Dub" in this sentence uses a different definition than you do in line two and three. "Dub" is used to mean a voice over in a different language than the original. An voice over *DIFFERENT THAN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE". Terminator is an English movie. The Japanese dub changes the voice audio to a JP track. Evangelion is a JAPANESE animated series... the American DUB changes the vocal track to an ENGLISH track.

JP dubs... aren't always good. I actually enjoy watching JP dubs of English movies and listening to how bad they are as well. It's just like watching poorly dubbed JP movies.

2. Generally they are, but realistically, it's still preference.

3. Good for you, you are still a minority.

4 (auto-correct) You recommend people watch anime with the original Japanese dialogue over English dubs. You realize the vast majority of anime that is released domestically comes with the original JP dialogue and subtitles... right? There are actually VERY FEW exceptions to this.

Once more, your post is nothing more than elitism. You once more state that you are better because you prefer subtitled over dub. You act as if people that don't agree with this are stupid.

I'll let you know straight out, and I know pretty much anyone that knows the industry will agree with me on this. Anime in the US would never have come close to this size had it not been for dubs. Half the people that do fansubs, started anime from watching dubs. I started watching anime in... 86, and it started with Robotech, Voltron, Speed Racer and other dubbed series. Most fans today got into anime because of things like Toonami, Adult Swim, and the such showing dubs of Gundam, Naruto, and Dragon Ball.

Dubs are how the majority of people start, and they are where companies make the majority of their business.

You prefer subs, good for you, so do I... but dubs need to exist for the market to continue growing, and they are the core of this market.


[not quoting your post since it is too long]

Holy shoot...how much time did you take to write all that? O_o

I'll keep it short for your sake:

1. Not everyone makes lots of money at crunchyroll. People at the bottom get minimum wage, while the top get rich. It's how all companies work. Also, you once again assume that English dubs fare better than subs. While you may sound reasonable, a market for subtitled anime hasn't even been fully tried yet. Fit the market? (You're hitting so many logical fallacies here.) It's the market that I'm suggesting to change, not one of a lower hierarchy that should "fit the market".

QuoteYour first post clearly states you did not want them to exist at all.
(Sorry, I had to quote this.) Please read my first post again, this time with no bias or assumptions. Looking at my post with your bias, I see that you interpret "don't want anime to be brought into the USA" as "I don't want them to exist". Think again. (This time it's a basic logical fallacy.) You're saying that "don't want" means "want not", i.e. "I don't want coffee" means "I want coffee to not exist".

3. There are things called quote mining and narrow-mindedness. When did I say that voice acting was the only thing that Japanese voice actors do? Anyone who has any clue to this area knows that voice actors are also often pop idols. Idols in Japan take class where they are taught to dance, sing, and/or voice act (depending on the class. They are also taught to be "cute".) Of course, not every idol can be popular, just like not every singer can take the top charts. And no, American VAs don't get paid "MORE" than Japanese ones. (Why are you bringing up a subject that can be tossed around like this anyways?) Oh, and you just pulled in the "domestic jobs" irrelevant topic to create yet another straw man fallacy.

4. And once again you assume that dubbed works would fare better than subtitled ones.

5. What's the point of looking at the present when I suggested change for the future? And when did I say that dubs were unimportant?

6. Okay, so I didn't use the word "dub" correctly. So? Did you get what I meant? (I think you did.)

7. Here's an idea. I'll give two suggestions. One: the USA subtitles anime. Or two: they make better dubs. Aren't you happy? It'll still be dubbed!

QuoteOnce more, your post is nothing more than elitism. You once more state that you are better because you prefer subtitled over dub. You act as if people that don't agree with this are stupid.
Lastly, for personal attacks that express a categorization of the opposition, there is always an identical counterattack. For this instance, it is:
QuoteOnce more, your post is nothing more than dub-ism. You once more state that you are better because you prefer dub over subtitled. You act as if people that don't agree with this are stupid.
Unfortunately, countering all of the assumptions in this one sentence also destroys your previous one. (I noticed that you didn't try to attack my accusations of your assumptions. I usually get a lot of stupid attempts at that.)

If you want to keep arguing, PM me instead. This is ruining the thread. Oh, and [the following is a personal attack] I'm honestly astonished at how you, a 30+ year-old, can be like this. Stop flaming others. I had no negativity in my first post, but you came in and almost trolled the thread.



Quote from: Joshua on June 01, 2009, 03:43:29 PM
[not quoting your post since it is too long]

Holy shoot...how much time did you take to write all that? O_o
About 7 minutes.

QuoteI'll keep it short for your sake:

1. Not everyone makes lots of money at crunchyroll. People at the bottom get minimum wage, while the top get rich. It's how all companies work. Also, you once again assume that English dubs fare better than subs. While you may sound reasonable, a market for subtitled anime hasn't even been fully tried yet. Fit the market? (You're hitting so many logical fallacies here.) It's the market that I'm suggesting to change, not one of a lower hierarchy that should "fit the market".
Please show me numbers as to how much crunchyroll is making as a company. I mean fiscal numbers, not how much random employees get paid. It's funny because everything you accuse me of, you are doing yourself. Yes, subs are out on the market. They have been sinc the early 90's. I have subtitled VHS tapes at my old house in the garage. Basically every single anime release in todays market ALSO comes with subtitled versions... how does that mean "subtitled anime hasn't been fully tried yet". Subtitles do sell... but the dubs is what is causing people to buy things. You suggest companies change the market. To take a HUGE risk, and completely stop dubbing stuff, which is basically how most companies are making money. To force the general public to accept subtitles. You do realize this is really bad to do in marketing right? You're limiting your audience. You're telling everyone that prefers subs that the company doesn't care about them which will cause them to stop watching all together.

QuoteYour first post clearly states you did not want them to exist at all.
(Sorry, I had to quote this.) Please read my first post again, this time with no bias or assumptions. Looking at my post with your bias, I see that you interpret "don't want anime to be brought into the USA" as "I don't want them to exist". Think again. (This time it's a basic logical fallacy.) You're saying that "don't want" means "want not", i.e. "I don't want coffee" means "I want coffee to not exist".
I LOVE idiot kids like you. I really do. They think because they can quote a few terms from arguing and debate that they are right no matter what they say. You don't even use the terminology correctly. But that's besides the point.

"Don't want anime to be brought into the USA" is the same thing as stating "Don't want them to exist". You see, the key is context. In terms of "I don't want coffee" you are speaking the physical object in your possession at the moment. However when you say "don't want brought to the US" you are speaking in terms of the entire market as a whole. If they are not brought to the US, there cannot be dubs. Seriously... you're 15... and you're going to argue logic chains with someone who is a decade older than you and has been doing things like this since before you were born. A logical fallacy is an assumption that because A = B and A = C that B = C. What I presented was not a logical fallacy because in the situation it applies. If B exists only because of A and you remove A, B cannot exist. That is what I stated.

If anime is not brought to America, there cannot be US dubs of the anime. This is logical truth.

Quote3. There is something called "quote mining" and "narrow-mindedness". When did I say that voice acting was the only thing that Japanese voice actors do? Anyone who has any clue to this area knows that voice actors are also often pop idols. Idols in Japan take class where they are taught to dance, sing, and/or voice act (depending on the class. They are also taught to be "cute".) Of course, not every idol can the popular, just like not every singer can take the top charts. And no, American VAs don't get paid "MORE" than Japanese ones. (Why are you bringing up a subject that can be tossed around like this anyways?) Oh, and you just pulled in the "domestic jobs" irrelevant topic to create yet another straw man fallacy.
Oh yay, more terms. Straw man. Straw man isn't a fallacy btw, it's a tactic. A strawman tactic is when someone takes something that is unimportant to the overall, but uses that as a focal point to prove someone else wrong, dragging the conversation away from the main point. Quote mining is to selectively quote things and ignore the rest, I didn't do this either. However, you do it in your reply here. You also perform a strawman argument as well. Domestic jobs do matter, because it's a comparison of the state.

Guess what kid... I've done localization work. I worked with a lot of famous American VA's. I've directed them for a few projects... and I know how much they get paid. I also know plenty of people in the Anime industry in Japan, and I also know relatively how much they get paid. Why do you think American VA's don't get paid more? What are you basing ANYTHING YOU SAY on. Most VA's aren't also often pop idols, VERY FEW of them are realistically... I don't like using terms, because most people misuse them like you do, so I will spell it out.


I'm almost tempted to ask friends in the industry to make an account just to post how you don't know anything. My friend that works at crunchy roll funnily enough used to be fanime staff.

Quote4. And once again you assume that subtitled works would fare better than dubbed ones.
I don't assume... I know for a fact that they do. Have you ever read press releases or actually talked to marketing agents in companies? I have.

[/quote]5. What's the point of looking at the present when I suggested change for the future? And when did I say that dubs were unimportant?[/quote]
Change for the future? Based on what? Your preference? No one gives a damn about *your* preference, they care about the market as a whole. They care about how the company makes money, so they can make money. I think they're smart releasing dubs... WITH ORIGINAL TRACKS AND SUBTITLES... instead of your ingenius(see: retarded) idea of not having dubs. By not having dubs, they save money by not having to hire VA's... but seeing that the price they pay for VA's is not that much comparatively to what they make in sales for a dub...

Quote6. Okay, so I didn't use the word "dub" correctly. So? Did you get what I meant? (I think you did.)
Yes, and you're still an idiot.

Quote7. Here's an idea. I'll give two suggestions. One: the USA subtitles anime. Or two: they make better dubs. Aren't you happy? It'll still be dubbed!
The us already subtitles anime... they have since before you were born. So you're suggesting something they've been doing for over 2 decades now. Good job.

QuoteOnce more, your post is nothing more than elitism. You once more state that you are better because you prefer subtitled over dub. You act as if people that don't agree with this are stupid.
Lastly, for personal attacks that express a categorization of the opposition, there is always an identical counterattack. For this instance, it is:
QuoteOnce more, your post is nothing more than dub-ism. You once more state that you are better because you prefer dub over subtitled. You act as if people that don't agree with this are stupid.
Unfortunately, countering all of the assumptions in this one sentence also destroys your previous one. (I noticed that you didn't try to attack my accusations of your assumptions. I usually get a lot of stupid attempts at that.)

If you want to keep arguing, PM me instead. This is ruining the thread. Oh, and [the following is a personal attack] I'm honestly astonished at how you, a 30+ year-old, can be like this. Stop flaming others. I had no negativity in my first post, but you came in and almost trolled the thread.


30+? Since when was I'm 30+? You had no negativity BLATANT in your first post, but it was still very negative and condescending. You also post like you're some intelligent being that knows not only how the market works, how companies work, and how much everyone gets paid but have yet to show any actual proof of knowledge(nor any actual logically realistic ideas). Am I flaming you? Hardly, I'm calling out your bull shit... and much like every child your age, you fight back despite knowing that you don't know as much as the person you're arguing against. So instead you try to argue by acting "better" or "more sophisticated" only it doesn't work, because once more you fall short in that aspect again.

Why did you even put the retort of "prefer dub over sub" when I've said multiple times that I said I prefer subtitles... how does that even make any god damned sense? You remind me of this character from the Disney Channel show Wizards of Waverly Place. "I'll show you a..." Because that's basically what you're doing.

If you want to say something blatantly stupid, you are free to do so, but don't get all butt hurt when someone like me tells you you're wrong. Then by acting as if you're higher(despite being a hypocrite in virtually every single way you've accused me of) you only further push what kind of person you are. However, you'll fit nicely on this forum, there's tons of idiots just like you that think they are better people than I am, because they aren't "mean" to other stupid people when they're being stupid.

Before you attempt to state that my argument is a strawman again, or that I'm resorting to personal insults, I am doing neither. If I was "resorting" to personal insults, than I wouldn't have posted how you are incorrect about everything else you posted. Even big time VA's of today have admitted then VA'ing is incredibly hard, especially when you start out. That most of them *HAD* to take second jobs.

How fitting that the comment... 10 years too early really fits this.

Wait... I just came to a realization as to why you're making these horrid assumptions. You've never bought a legitimate DVD or VHS tape before have you? All you do is pirate crap on the internet, and assume the entire market in the US is what they show on Adult Swim, Sci-Fi and whatever other channels they show anime. You have never bought a DVD put it in, went to the options menu and saw that there are options for Japanese dialogue, and subtitles.

So considering that all you do is pirate everything anyways... WHY THE HELL DOES YOUR OPINION EVEN MEAN ANYTHING?


Quote from: PyronIkariYou prefer subs, good for you, so do I... but dubs need to exist for the market to continue growing, and they are the core of this market.
lol!  Dub's are like a gateway drug!
I don't mind if a title is bilingual, with subtitles or closed captions, but my problem with dub's are that many edit the content, change the music, or even the original aspect the show / movie was done in (...are you reading this Viz and Funimation?)

But yeah.  The companies that license the titles are in it to make money thou.  And if they didn't they'd go belly up.


Some cents I'd like to add, since voice actors are now involved wwww:

- VA WORK IS NOT GLAMOROUS. AT ALL. PERIOD. Heck, neither is being an idol. The ONLY thing is Hollywood. Some of the top seiyuu idols in the business today still blog from their apartment or their parent's house. I guess just because people appear on TV & magazines and release albums/DVDs means they're living the sweet life or sumshit? HAHAHAHA. Derp.

- "Make better dubs"? I'd like to hear your definition of what's considered "good" or "bad". Do you have any acting experience? Anti-localization BS is just something a weeaboo purist would believe in. Hey, if anime is only subtitled, maybe we should just not localize anything altogether! Pokemon games? Screw English, Japanese text all over the packaging! Maybe even typeset english over it like scanlations. wwwwwwww

Anyway, if anime fans STOP BEING HUGE PIRATES and support the industry by purchasing DVDs, subscribing to anime channels (online or on cable), and buying legal, legit media, THEN they can afford to hire "better" VA's to do the work. Most of the North American VA's that dub anime are 3rd-rate actors living check by check. Ever heard the winners from the Voicey awards? A LOT better than what you hear in your straight-to-DVD anime release voice-overs. (There are a lot of Candians too. Go figure.)

I don't really watch anime these days since I probably won't buy them in the end. Simple as that. (And those that I enjoyed, I have happily purchased with money I saved up.)

- Listening comes before reading for human development. So does that mean my 5-year old cousin should not be able to watch Pokemon and should be forced to read subtitles that appear way faster than normal reading speed at their age? The companies' target audience would not even enjoy watching the show because there's too much damn text to read!

If you love anime in it's "purest form" so much, just buy the R2 dvds. Only 2 eps per $60 DVD or so, but hey, that's what Japanese fans have to do.

O hay, about the thread. I want Yotsuba& to be animooted first, and then brought to the states. :'D
Fanimaid Veteran circa 2009


Joshua, if there's anyone who is flaming now, it's you. PyronIkari was criticizing your initial post, and correcting things in a blunt manner, there's no rules against that. I'm also fairly certain PyronIkari knows more of the anime industry than you do. If you're trying to act innocent, don't reply to one of his posts with a flame back, it totally doesn't make ANY SENSE at all, it just creates more of a mess.