Post Fanime 2010 Cosplayer "Did you take my picture?" thread

Started by vizualkai, May 31, 2010, 06:10:19 PM

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Quote from: BWolfwood on June 03, 2010, 03:43:31 PM
Sephiroth (the moving wing) - Advent Children Its my second remake of the costume and I would like to see how it turned out.


Hey! Remember me? I was wearing all black, and I was asking you about the wings and what you used. Can you give me your user name again for I forgot it -.-

Sorry the picture is all blurry and small. Used my camera phone.
Occupation: Musician/singer/nurse/student/cashier/cosplayer/otaku/poet/writer/cook/lover/gamer/artist/maniac/woman/foodie/DDRist
In other words, I'm one busy mofo!

Fanime 2012 Cosplays:
Kagome (Inuyasha) <all weekend>


How can I make it move.....?


Hey guys I know this is a long shot, but if you haev any pics of me please feel free to pm me.

Friday: Zuko, Avatar:the Last Airbender(season 3 travel outfit) if it helps tell me apart I had a latex scar and was carrying a fire nation flag.
Sat: Sho, The World Ends with You, I was wandering with a Joshua; Fugimoto, Ponyo(from the masq group)
Sunday: Fugimoto, Ponyo; The Queen, Sleeping Beauty(at the BW ball)

Thank-you in advance ;D


Did anyone take a picture of this lady right here??
For she, is me. =3

Many people called me Chi, but I was actually the Will of the Abyss from Pandora Hearts.


Anyone manage to snap any good pictures of me in my mascot-style Umbreon costume? I'm still lacking in pictures of that costume to post on DA,, and whatnot so if anyone has pictures to share of me that you don't mind me reposting I would appreciate it very much. My e-mail is phoenixfreedom AT :)

I was at the Pokémon gathering on Sunday and the Pokémon Cafe on Saturday night, as well as just wandering around in costume some Saturday and Sunday.


I was a rather obscure costume, and I didn't pose very often, but I'm hoping someone got a shot of me.

Airship Pilot, from the painting by Hakubaikou.


hey everyoneeeeee... so i kinda fell in love with some guy at Fanime. and i kept following him around like a little puppy the whole time...

and i was wondering if anyone knows his name or contact information i didn't really know where else i could ask forum wise ;__;....

and i was too nervous to ask him cause i had butterflies and giggles and stuff xDDDDDDDD

i'm also looking for other pictures of him D< cause i only got like um... 5 :u;;

he was wearing that outfit the whole time but sunday night he had his pantlegs all the way down and took off his shades :3~ i know his first name is Louis or Louise or Lewis.. //doesn't know ;__; HALP. ;__;

//fangirlstalker ;_;...



Hi there,

I was Kisuke Urahara from Bleach on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Would anyone on here happen to have grabbed a picture of me? I think there were somewhere around 30 different people... I'd love to see anything.



Was wondering if anyone had posted/have any pics of me and my friend as the Ouran twins (in drag aka green poofy dresses) here's what we look like :]

"Please don't.."


Quote from: Beowulf on June 04, 2010, 06:57:24 PM
Hi there,

I was Kisuke Urahara from Bleach on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Would anyone on here happen to have grabbed a picture of me? I think there were somewhere around 30 different people... I'd love to see anything.


This is the only kisuke i have at the moment, aside from the chibi kisuke ^_^ I will post all my Bleach gathering pics in the Bleach thread :)


My sister went as Pocky and my sisters friend went as milk =DD I was adon, yeahhhhh.



Quote from: KazeGaara on June 03, 2010, 11:08:31 AM
I'll throw this up there ... just in case.

Do any of you guys have pictures of a:

Kyo, Yuki, Hitori, Tohru group (Fruits Basket)

... or a

Deidara, Gaara, Tobi group (Naruto)?

Pictures in groups or as individuals are both cool. Chances are the group pictures are a bit rare.

If you need reference pictures, our video  opens up with our cosplays.

Thanks in advance.

Oh, also, I just remembered! If you want other pictures from that group, you should check out the Naruto gathering thread here. People are posting links to their pictures like crazy. :)

Hodge Bodge

I was Bass Armstrong from Dead or Alive, anyone got pics of me please share them with me. Especially if they're fight poses with other cosplayers!

Many thanks in advance

100% glomp friendly, Bring on the pain!  :X


Here's the list of what I cosplayed, starting from Friday.

Friday: Erza Scarlet, Fairy Tail (I was more so in just casual wear, without the armor, so I'm not sure if anyone took any pics of me or not; I didn't pay attention to anything for the most part so this might not even apply ^_^; )
Saturday: Rukia Kuchiki, Bleach (I was carrying around a sketch pad and a chappy dispenser XD)
Sunday: Mitsuru Kirijo, Persona 3 (I carried around a sword...I think the Persona 3 and 4 gathering was on a Sunday...o.o; I'm pretty sure...and there were only two Mitsuru cosplayers there, myself included)
Monday: Rukia Kuchiki (without sketch pad)

If anyone has any pics of me, please send me a message. Hope this info's enough, I didn't get a chance to really take any pictures and just focused on cosplaying really...;;; Thanks in advance ^_^


Quote from: ShiroiKazeru on June 05, 2010, 12:31:03 AM
Mitsuru Kirijo, Persona 3
Too bad the Hetalia Gathering ran over, I would of been over there as Junpei (still looking for me as Junpei, please post ASAP)


Quote from: MyMidnightAffair on June 04, 2010, 12:05:42 PM
Did anyone take a picture of this lady right here??
For she, is me. =3

Many people called me Chi, but I was actually the Will of the Abyss from Pandora Hearts.

I might have a picture of you, I gotta look through my pics and I'll get back to ya.

OT- How'd you do in the karaoke contest?


Quote from: sasukeuchiha92 on June 05, 2010, 07:39:26 AM
Quote from: MyMidnightAffair on June 04, 2010, 12:05:42 PM
Did anyone take a picture of this lady right here??
For she, is me. =3

Many people called me Chi, but I was actually the Will of the Abyss from Pandora Hearts.

I might have a picture of you, I gotta look through my pics and I'll get back to ya.

OT- How'd you do in the karaoke contest?

You do?? Yay! I'll wait <3
Ah.. the contest? You heard me sing.. >///< ?
I did my best (could have done better.. *_*) and I did not end up in the finals, but you know whats?
There's always next year =D