Fanime Artist Alley 08

Started by Evode, November 11, 2007, 09:51:11 PM

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Well, never have I been to Fanime or even  a four-day con before, but wikipedia says Fanime Attendance last year was 12,000 people, so I'd expect around 12,500 this year.  In comparison, AX is around 42,000.


Oh! And I meant ot say - Anarahk and I found people to share tables with. Yay!


Quote from: fongmingyun on April 17, 2008, 07:35:47 PM
Oh! And I meant ot say - Anarahk and I found people to share tables with. Yay!



Quote from: naruto_ramen_1 on April 17, 2008, 10:09:12 AM
Hi there ^__^

I have some questions for the veterans....

This will be my first time selling at Fanime and I was curiuos if someone could tell me the size of the crowd? Is it like Anime Expo? Is it busy on Friday even though kids are in school?  What is the crowd like on Monday?

Just trying to get some good numbers on what to bring since I'm coming from Texas :)

Also, does anyone has any good suggestions about how much stuff to bring?  ^^

Thanks in advance :)

kinda in the wrong area to ask this question but in the artist alley it kinda depends..its not crowded on certain mornings but maybe somewhere around 1pm....not sure but its a huge guess!!!! most people becomes crowded on the dealers room and artist alley is kinda second crowdest..but you can still walk around and check other peopels artworks....
CARRY a backpack!!!!!!! its easier to carry and less hassle than those plastic/shopping bags. your first item your going to get is a badge.then comes coupons or some pamphlet from organizations and Sponsers and schedule of events...also a map !!!!!......

.......Thats all I can think of unless you bring a camera and see a nice cosplayer you like to take a picture of!

for the Artist alley i recommedn to bring at least a folder!..that way if your interested, you can prevent having fold markings on the picture you bought ^ ^!...........or keep them neatly organized..

oh and one more importnt thing..

BRING MONEY XD ..serisously....most of the items people sell is like over 7 dollar range O_O! (i think i recall one figure 7 bucks..and a keychain is like 3 or below o_O......)


Hi everyone.

The seating chart has finally come out, so that's exciting. Though we were told to pick our top 4 tables so I suppose it's not truly official yet ^^

I'm new to Fanime and was the layout set up so new people are in the back and the returning veterens are up in the front? ^^

That bums me out, being in the back and frankly, I'm a little worried :-\  I do hope people come back there and have money left to spend :'(

Can any one offer some insights to what it's like selling there? And what the crowds are like in the artist alley?

Thanks! :)


I wanna know who will be sitting next to me  ;D
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth


I'm kinda nervous, too, about who will be at the tables next to mine.  This is my first time in Artist Alley so I'm already thinking that my items won't be interesting enough for people to even want to look at.  Must be more confident!  Must have fun!   :-\ ;D
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


oiyaiyai T__T

Due to uncertainty over academic obligations I wasn't able to be certain of attending Fanime until now, so I didn't register until recently, and wasn't able to find the AA information until now. (I don't understand how the background work goes, but wouldn't it be much easier if AA registration is next to/combined with attendee registration like Anime Expo?)

My roommate who's a regular artist at Fanime's AA assured me that they always had tables left over so I shouldn't worry, but just my luck, all the tables had sold out D:

Fanime's far for me, and the only way I can really justify the transportation and lodging costs of going there is if I make back some of that money in AA. Would any kind person be willing to share half a table with me? *3* I cosplay and can help draw attention to your table, I also tend to have snacks and drinks with me that I love to share, and I can help watch over and sell your stuff while you're taking a break or going to the bathroom, etc. =) Also, being the procrastinator that I am, I don't have that many things to sell so I won't be taking up much space (hahaha).

Due to gatherings and lack of things to sell and such I also probably won't be at the table for the entire day, probably only 4~6 hours each day, so you'd still get the entire table to yourself most of the time. I'm more than willing to pay $10 and split the cost of the table with you too. I've also got some AA experience under my belt, so if any of you are totally new to the Artist Alley thing, I can help you out as best I can too. So...if any of you are willing, please let me know! (shuura [at] gmail . com) I'd really really appreciate it, considering that the badge fee for Fanime isn't refundable so I might as well go. :O

My art can be found at
and I will mostly be selling these things.

Aya Brea X

Quote from: naruto_ramen_1 on April 22, 2008, 01:40:53 PM
Hi everyone.

The seating chart has finally come out, so that's exciting. Though we were told to pick our top 4 tables so I suppose it's not truly official yet ^^

I'm new to Fanime and was the layout set up so new people are in the back and the returning veterens are up in the front? ^^

That bums me out, being in the back and frankly, I'm a little worried :-\  I do hope people come back there and have money left to spend :'(

Can any one offer some insights to what it's like selling there? And what the crowds are like in the artist alley?

Thanks! :)

I don't think they're trying to screw the new people that way, but they did sell this year's tables during the last day of the convention LAST year, and those people got first dibs at the seating chart, so that's how that went. 

I think this year you should just be happy to have a table XD  I kind of like having a full-up AA since I was kind of on the edge last year and it was even sadder to see the random other people occupying their own row and people kept passing them by ;_;


Well, I got my buttons done and here is a photo of them. They're really cute and they're are about an inch. ^_^

The bookmarks and prints are on the way from getting printed and I all that I need to do is make business cards and those printed out.

I'm excited and a little nervous since is my first time selling at the con and I have a table to myself. I'm going have to try to be extra careful with my money and the items. Has there been any thefts of items or money at the Artist's Alley?


Quote from: tasan84 on April 24, 2008, 01:37:34 PM
Well, I got my buttons done and here is a photo of them. They're really cute and they're are about an inch. ^_^

The bookmarks and prints are on the way from getting printed and I all that I need to do is make business cards and those printed out.

I'm excited and a little nervous since is my first time selling at the con and I have a table to myself. I'm going have to try to be extra careful with my money and the items. Has there been any thefts of items or money at the Artist's Alley?

Your buttons look really shiny and awesome! :]

As far as I know about thefts in the AA, I don't recall there being any. I'd still be very wary of my belongings. For example, backpacks/art supplies generally under the table where nobody can see them or abuse them. Yay for tablecloths! :D
FanimeCon Artist Alley Staff 2011
Anime Expo LPTS Staff 2011
Fanimaid Cafe Maid 2011
Cafe Kintoki Maid/Host, Co-Manager 2011


Can anyone tell me what actually happens on the day of?  ???
Like, upon arrival to AA? XD? Do we need to sign in or anything/show our paper work, or can we just go right to our table and set up?

I've been going to fanime for a few years now, but this is my first time doing artist alley, I'm excited but also nervous!
Wahaha, also....I'm behind on getting things ready..8D. School is keeping me very busy @_@!


Normally, the day of, you head over to the Artist Alley BEFORE it opens. If there are staff people there, let them know you are an artist and they'll normally just let you in. From there, you'll locate the main table where the AA Staff are (There will usually be a line).
What you will have to do is head over to the line and 'Check-In'.
My experience of the process is, if you haven't paid yet, give them your money.. Be sure to have your seller's permit with you just in case, and any papers you still have to show them. They will normally scan in your seller's permit (Just in case a gov't official shows up and wants proof that everyone has a permit. It is easier for them to give a file than both all the artists one by one).
They will give you a name placard that is your name/artist groups name, and from THERE direct you to your table.

The check-in process only has to be done once - the first day you are selling your art. So don't worry about the other days, just go in and set-up your table stuff.
Clicky my Art Pwease?


Oh hey, do any of you guys have any recommendations as to how to decorate your table? cuz for one, i'm not sure how large the tables are, and two, i'm completely clueless as to how professional tables would look like @___@;;
Can't wait to see everyone!


Quote from: naruto_ramen_1 on April 22, 2008, 01:40:53 PM
Hi everyone.

The seating chart has finally come out, so that's exciting. Though we were told to pick our top 4 tables so I suppose it's not truly official yet ^^

I'm new to Fanime and was the layout set up so new people are in the back and the returning veterens are up in the front? ^^

That bums me out, being in the back and frankly, I'm a little worried :-\  I do hope people come back there and have money left to spend :'(

Can any one offer some insights to what it's like selling there? And what the crowds are like in the artist alley?

Thanks! :)
I'm not a seller, but I can tell you a little bit from what I recall from a buyer's perspective.

The room is very big so there's plenty of room to move around.  Some tables do get a little crowded, but it's NOTHING like AX.  AX is INSANE.  I've always been a Fanime girl, so when I went to AX for the first time last year (Long Beach) and visited their Artist's Alley, I felt like a sardine.  I was worried my art that I was buying was going to get squashed.  Fanime's AA is much much better than that (although I still got whacked on the face by some overenthusiastic cosplayer that made me want to punch him).


Hay all this is your friendley AA Head hear with an anouncment

If you have a table in AA 2008 and have not picked your table you need to e-mail me ASAP
we have half dozen names whos e-mails have bounced back
so if you know you have a table or even think you may have a table and want to pick your seat this year please e-mail me at
FanimeArtistAlley2008 (at) gmail (dot) com
table seating will close on Friday 5/2 at 5:00 pm

more updates to come
thanks for reading
see you all at the con
~ Stacy
AA Head


What i recieved::::
hay guys
This is your last chance to pick your tables
if you do not pick by 5/2 by 5:00 pm  i will pick them for you
please replay to this e-mail as soon as you can to gaurentee you get your table choices

what i need from you is-
your full name
the number of tables you have reserved
the top 4 tables you would like to sit at

the red tables are taken
thanks a bunch
and sorry it took us so long ^^
AA Head

---------------Heres my response!!!---
MY EMAIL IS STILL ALWAYS THE SAME!!!!! I EVEN print it out evenly!!!! I DON"T KNOW HOW you guys made IT BOUNCED BACK!!!!!!!!!**Rant****Rant****Rant****Rant****Rant****Rant****Rant****Rant** (sorry i had to censor this because its too much argueing)

HOW DID THE TABLES GET FULL??????  (because it was easier for you to contact them straigt -_-!)
HOW THE HELL DID THE TABLES GET FULL ON THE FRONT ROW!!!! (because thats what they wanted -_-!)
WAS THIS BASED ON WHO GETS THE PAYMENT FIRST BEFORE OTHERS?????? (yeah i wanted to know if this is true, first come first serve))))!!!!

I find this VERY offensive and unfair!!!!!

Not only that but why was this submitted like NEARLY THE LAST MINUTE before may 2nd!!!!!!MY EMAIL JUST CAME AROND MIDNIGHT!!
also it was sent to sukyaness; heathenLNK; miss-hina; zeivainc; ..... 
I mean...i don't see the other 60 names on this foward list!!!!!!!!!!!!!???!!!!!!!!

well since we have a moment to "Exchange tables" i guess this might cheer me up but THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IT SAYS "LAST CHANCE when i know you been submitting emails...I DID NOT receive any emails until this day!!!!!!!!!
DID anyone else receive this..because the only people who did is :::

sukyaness@*********; heathenLNK@************; miss-hina@********; zeivainc@*******; sunrise_Oasis@**********

PLEASE NOTE:: im not angry nor insulting you its just, why do bad things happen to us when its your responsiblity to fix it!


The Fanime staff work hard to make Fanime as fair and enjoyable as possible. Unfortunately, things happen that are out of our control. If we encounter technical difficulties we have no recourse but to move on and issue a general announcement at the end of the process.  If you have any comments or grievances, either PM me or e-mail me at ericATfanimeDOTcom.
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



Quote from: ewu on May 01, 2008, 01:46:35 AM
The Fanime staff work hard to make Fanime as fair and enjoyable as possible. Unfortunately, things happen that are out of our control. If we encounter technical difficulties we have no recourse but to move on and issue a general announcement at the end of the process.  If you have any comments or grievances, either PM me or e-mail me at ericATfanimeDOTcom.

well thanks anywya glad you guys did your best..because if this never happened, you guys would be a in huge trouble. BUt im sorta glad that its actually getting there! I might as well accept this and pre-registered for NEXT year for both tables and Registration!...but then again...if it happens again I will let you know how I would feel and MAYBE participate on being a responsible person for doing a much better job!

Aya Brea X

Quote from: sunrise-oasis on May 01, 2008, 11:20:10 AM
Quote from: ewu on May 01, 2008, 01:46:35 AM
The Fanime staff work hard to make Fanime as fair and enjoyable as possible. Unfortunately, things happen that are out of our control. If we encounter technical difficulties we have no recourse but to move on and issue a general announcement at the end of the process.  If you have any comments or grievances, either PM me or e-mail me at ericATfanimeDOTcom.

well thanks anywya glad you guys did your best..because if this never happened, you guys would be a in huge trouble. BUt im sorta glad that its actually getting there! I might as well accept this and pre-registered for NEXT year for both tables and Registration!...but then again...if it happens again I will let you know how I would feel and MAYBE participate on being a responsible person for doing a much better job!

Not sure if this will help, but I registered in December when the mail in reg was announced and ALL the bottom half (aka "front") tables were already taken, presumably by people who registered at last year's convention.  So even if your e-mail didn't bounce you probably still wouldn't have gotten a front table.  *pat pat*