Started by clawmaster, December 29, 2007, 02:48:49 PM

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yep i saw it yesterday on 1up and its different. we are all use to the 2d art style that it has been and now with this type of art style in this game to say the least is different. i am not hating it i am jst waiting till more and more details come out. but the fighting is very technical from listening and watching this. the animations are great almost remind me of the Team Fortress 2 characters. but here u go guys, what do u guys think?

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So far it looks and plays like crap. They did what they always did and go "ALRIGHT 3D!" and then forget that, "wait this move won't work iin 3-d".

To me, it just looks like they forget to put "EX" in front of the 4.

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Before anyone makes assumptions, they've stated that it's NOT 3D, they're just using 3D models instead of sprites. The enviroments themselves are 2D. Think Super Smash Bros. (3d models in a 2d world)
Co-Captain/"The one who talks too much" of MANime!,17203.0.html


It looks like crap, Ryu's got a boner in a screencap, but I still gotta give Capcom props for dishing out another game, just gotta wait 2-3 more revisions for them to get it right. I just hope theres gunna be some lolis or something that'll make me wanna play, or I'll just go back to ST/STHD whatever.


to note, its still a work-in-progress; stuff might/will get changed down the line(like why ryu's jaw drops so far down when he gets hit in the stomach).

more info needed before i give a final opinion.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


It's a playable fully detailed game already. MINOR changes willbe made, but the overall system, graphics, and property designs and systems are pretty much done already. Implication of other characters, slight balance tweaks etc, but the games frame is done, and has been done for a while. If you're expecting anything big from changing, you'll be disappointed. I couldn't care less about how Ryu looks when he's getting punched, I care more about how the game plays, and from all that I've seen, it looks like crap.

The game is a 2.5D game, ala Justice Gakuen. It's not a full 3-d but it will be a rotatable 2-d plane.

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


sounds like you really dont like Street fighter Jun... but I digress.. :P

from the video that Otaku showed me: Dan Hsu (back from old school days him being one of the original noob editors of EGM and now Editor in Chief...) talked alot about lots of random things/concept for the new SF game...

I notice theyre trying to 'balance' the game from players skill perspective for noobs who' have never played it and/or masters who had nothing better to do than turtle or parry all day...

As far as the 2D/3D aspects- I admit that back before Smash bro's became a hit, people were skeptical about 2D fighting games going 3D

I admit just as much as the next person that the Street Fighter EX series was different ( i wouldnt call it crap, because I still bought and played it from time to time... ) but to each is own.

I just hope to enjoy it a little and maybe check out the new chracters :)

or at least pause the game to see how high Chun Li can really kick.  :P

I guess i missed something, but will this game be a coin-op? (arcade machine) or go straight to console?

playing fighting games out in arcades isnt what it used to be...

I've had conversations with some of the board friends here, but thats for another thread. and 'social/public gamer etiquette thread'... 

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


How difficult will it be to add an option at the game's current state to lock the plane so it won't either rotate, zoom, or both.  And maybe have an option to record an entire game, so you can play the game with the plane locked, and use the replay feature to view your fights with the dynamic camera angles, bullet time, and whatever cinematic crap/feature it'll have.
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i feel so loved!


Quotesounds like you really dont like Street fighter Jun... but I digress.. Tongue
Kinda ironic, seeing that it's Pyron that said all that, and he(I) play SF competitively.

The EX series was fun in the "wow this is a retarded joke but fun kinda way" and SF4 seems to play almost exactly the same.

In a sense the reason why is because that in the US, fighting game enthusiasm for the average person has almost completely died, games are too complicated, blah blah blah, etc.

They're trying to get new people to play fighting games, instead of the same old men.

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


Where has it been stated that the fighting plane will move? From what I've read it's a 3D background/area and that's it.

I did notice that a connecting super changed the aspect to show more detail of the caster but nothing in that video showed the plane changing at all other than a placebo style change showing them moving in a "circle" around the area they were fighting in.


Quote from: gmontem on December 31, 2007, 03:57:32 PM
How difficult will it be to add an option at the game's current state to lock the plane so it won't either rotate, zoom, or both.  And maybe have an option to record an entire game, so you can play the game with the plane locked, and use the replay feature to view your fights with the dynamic camera angles, bullet time, and whatever cinematic crap/feature it'll have.

Quote from: Chewie on January 01, 2008, 03:39:49 PM
Where has it been stated that the fighting plane will move? From what I've read it's a 3D background/area and that's it.

I did notice that a connecting super changed the aspect to show more detail of the caster but nothing in that video showed the plane changing at all other than a placebo style change showing them moving in a "circle" around the area they were fighting in.

to answer these: the fighting plane does not shift during gameplay; it stays in the same perspective as it has always been, except during super and ultra combos(this was an official statement, BTW).

the plane will only shift during those times to show more detail in those attacks, but thats only about 5% of the time; the other 95% is still the same side view you've always known.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


Quote from: otakuapprentice on January 01, 2008, 05:19:56 PM
to answer these: the fighting plane does not shift during gameplay; it stays in the same perspective as it has always been, except during super and ultra combos(this was an official statement, BTW).

the plane will only shift during those times to show more detail in those attacks, but thats only about 5% of the time; the other 95% is still the same side view you've always known.

All right, I figured that was what I saw in the video. ^_^


i'm going to be blunt: i don't have any hopes for this game.

Capcom has established Street Fighter to be a 2D fighter, and i can only assume that when people hear SF, they automatically think 2D, with the only possible exception being EX...and we all know how that turned out. not 3D, not 2.5D. 2D. adding another half dimension was adding another half too many.

one of my friends sided with them saying that experimentation is good. not with Capcom's main arcade buster, it's not; especially considering what i saw w/that gameplay demo video. i haven't played it yet, but i have more than a hunch that tells me it probably won't play good.

now i have to wait for SFV...(if they ever consider making the next decade or so... :-\)


Oh well. There's always 3rd strike... :(
Co-Captain/"The one who talks too much" of MANime!,17203.0.html


I personally a bit iffy about taking away the parry system (and yes I played a lot of 3rd strike) but lets see how this game does since I have few buddies who plays fighting games competitively.  I'll give a chance till it comes out.
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I hate the new art style. I hate the new "whispy" hadoukens. I hate not having the parry system.

This game looks pretty lame and I love SF3S.

Oh well, im more of a Soul Calibur player than anything.


Wow, some of you guys are way too picky and whatnot.  ::)

I say play before you judge.  ;D
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


I'm still looking forward to it when it comes out. of not there's always 3rd strike for me to play.
You tame a dog with food, you tame a man with money, but you can never tame the wolf of Mibu (Miburo).


TO be honest I was hoping for the 3d -2d fighting brawl once did but not too much...I know that the last Street fighter (god knows which one IM talking about) the moves was kinda....abit less complex but for some experts did some things that was unbeleivable..IM a very horrible parry kind of person but Im just hoping they make it abit easier.......

But like he said...THIS IS ONLY A DEMO, Graphics will not look like that YET~!!!! and everything else is just ion basically we are just seeing a coded techinique ideas (move wises) not GRAPH!!!!(not graphic wise -_-!)


The irony of the matter is that, most of the people that *LIKE* the parry system, can't even parry very well. I can parry decently, but I'm still poor at best(as in... I can parry all of the supers red, or off predicted start and know the timings for all the major links and combos) but outside of most gamble parries(like forward parry/crouch parry/throw on wake up) and obvious force parries(I jump in and parry buffer into a move) I'm not that good at just linking and player option parries(just psychic parrying a c.forward after a pause coming after a c.short... crap like that).

And... no one at Fanime was very good at parrying at all. Someone parried half of Hugo's SAIII while I was playing, and that was probably the most impressive parry I saw the past 4 years.

So I wonder why so many people praise the parry system so much. I find it doubly ironic, that, in top level play, you should only be parrying if you're basically 100% sure you're going to parry it, or it's an option select parry(as in, if you don't parry you're still 100% free to do something else you wanted).

Back to SF4. 2.5 in that rotations and changes to the playable stage will happen, you will get knocked to the side by certain moves and the angled of the stage will change based on those, but it will play purely 2-d.

It sucks because... It's Capcom Fighting All-stars 2. Everything they've shown has had so many things that won't work correctly, and new character looks... horrible. Of course I will still play it, and see how it works, and I hope it is good, but with what they've been showing us(and what I know that they haven't shown us) it gets crappier and crappier.